Where to begin...
Let's start with President Obama's very last State of the Union Address. Personally, I cannot WAIT to read the book that follows after this guy leaves office. I guarantee it is going to be worth the read.
So basically after saving us from the deepest Recession since The Great Depression, bringing back jobs, saving the auto industry, boosting our renewable energy, implementing the ACA so that many people who would otherwise not qualify for health insurance through pre-existing condition...now qualify and a bunch of other "good for the average American" stuff...the Republicans are just soooooooooooo angry that America is better off. Speaker Paul Ryan was so pissed he super glued both his ass to the chair and his hands together to prevent any type of clapping. His facial expressions vacillated between angry scowl and that bemused grin that makes you just want to slap it right off him. The guy couldn't even applaud or rise for "Let's find a cure for CANCER" for fuck's sake...what an oxygen-thief!
And because I must certainly be a glutton for punishment I also managed to watch the first of the GOP Debates on the 14th.
Jesus Wept.
How ANYONE can listen to the words that come out of their mouths and still vote for any of them is beyond me. And it explains a LOT about how Donald Trump could be leading their pack. Seriously, people.
And Hillary is just as bad...
What a lying, phony, bitch. Morphing into and saying anything she thinks will get her the election because
"By God, it's MY turn, damn it"
So yeah. I am definitely voting for Bernie in the Primary...and in the General.
You have to love how the media has ignored him for months and suddenly (once he passed Hillary in both the New Hampshire and Iowa Polls) they spring to life as though they have been napping.
Dear CNN...MSNBC...ABC...FOX...et al....Bernie's supporters have known this since last year in Portland and LA...thanks for finally noticing.
He will be speaking in Birmingham on Monday (MLK DAY). How brilliant is that.
And we've started something amazing, this week. Every time that Hillary attacks Bernie...Berniacs everywhere (myself included) DONATE to his campaign. So her negativity becomes his windfall.
Love the amazing amount of momentum his campaign is generating and feel fairly confident he will be our 45th President.
Meanwhile....back in Oregon...
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So what you're sayin' is that the snacks will be late? |
Finally, arrests have been made in the stand-off. At the grocery store. I have to think that stealing Federal Vehicles is a felony all on its own level.
So yeah, guys...I'm thinking the snacks may be delayed.
The Internet world has been attempting to help with their plight though.
Apparently upsetting one guy so much he actually made a video about it and posted it to Facebook. Care packages have included dildos, gummy-bear type penis shaped candy and, the latest, a $1,200...55 gallon drum of personal lubricant.
And they are angry.
That is gratitude for you, buddy.
Since the recent arrests Ya'll Qaeda has been making mouth noises about stepping up their game and rhetoric about launching an attack on nearby FBI.
Maybe it is just me...but I can see that ending very bady.
For ya'll.
So...my Virtual Adventure in Madrid took me to The Prado. Spain's National Museum.
This site has a link where you can virtually enjoy the works of Goya, Dali, Reuben, Boush and many others.
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The Persistence of Memory- S. Dali |
and beginning the next week in Seville.
Busy week at home, as well.
Caught up with monthly periodical's in my local library (...my office...) and found a "Rick Gregg" Short Story Compilation to bring home. He is a contributor to Southern Living Magazine...and I love his "voice" and background. Like sitting out on a Verandah with a glass of Sweet Tea!
Spent the middle of the week mall-ratting with friends in Terre Haute at the Honey-Creek. Started the day like this:
and coffee...
Found Sketchers (on sale) at Macy's, Checked out jewelry and found scarves at Sears. Discovered a wonderful new-to-me scent at Bath and Body (Moonlight Path) and now have it in Spray, Candle and Pump Soap for my January Bathroom.
Shopped until we dropped, then stopped for Bourbon Chicken for lunch before returning to Greencastle.
I have GOT to learn how to make this at home!
A wonderful day out.
Friday- Sharon, Loretta, Judy and I re-convened for brunch and chat at our favorite Mexican Restaurant. We are the "Out-To-Brunch-Bunch" and plan a Monthly Brunch together. Sometimes at each other's homes...other times out.
I am doing the 4:3 until I have dropped the 10 holiday pounds...which is now down to 8. I have designated Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays as my FAST DAYS...and it seems to be working. After it is gone, I will adhere to the 6-1 from here on out.
Best Lifestyle Diet Ever.
Eat what you love and lose weight anyway!
My (untitled) Fiction novel is coming along a page at a time. Here is the first interview with "his buddy"...
[Pleasantries are exchanged and the tall, thin,well-groomed, rather nervous man, sits across from me in my office. His eyes scan the room as though looking for an escape route. There isn't one. The only way out in life, I have found is through. Still I genuinely feel sorry for him and his situation.]
I married Trace just about a year after his last surgery. When they took the other leg. The divorce was final the year before. Look it was obvious by then Mark was never coming home again, and her and the kids needed more than just an uncle figure.
They deserve more than that.
Of course I feel guilty. Who wouldn't? He and I and Trace were good friends for years. I tried as hard as I could to talk him out of enlisting the first time. By his third tour, well...he left Trace a long time before he ended up...like this. Mark wasn't Mark any more after that first tour.
If you think you are going to make me feel bad about her and the kids...you're not. She loves me. Josh and Jade love me. I watched them grow up from babies. Jade was born while he was off playing soldier. Guess who ended up driving Trace to the hospital when her water broke? Who held her hand during contractions? Who drove Josh up to meet his new sister? Who made sure that they got home safe and that they have had everything they needed since? You're looking at him. Even when he was home, he wasn't home. Barely spoke to Trace or Josh when he was back on leave. Barely spoke to me either. Jade was still too little to understand, but it really hurt Josh. He asked me all the time why his dad was "so mad at everyone" all the time. Why he never wanted to play ball or do anything with them any more. Does that sound like any way to grow up?
Would you like to grow up like that?
I'm not trying to get defensive or justify anything. I don't have to justify anything to you.
How long has it been since I went to see Mark?
I haven't seen Mark, not my buddy Mark, since he enlisted the first time, okay? By the time he came home he was Zombie Mark. He drank all the time. Cursed like I had never heard him before. Just generally checked out of what he referred to as "Civie Life" The first time he took leave he seemed 50 years older than when he left. He actually tried to talk to me about some of the stuff he had seen over there. Do you know they use kids Josh's age to mine-sweep? Pay them a buck for every mine they find. Of course, some of them don't make it. My Dad was in 'Nam. He told me about how the VC used little kids as human bombs. Makes me sick to think about it. He came home and his own people spit on him. Fought the Government over Agent Orange for years. He died of cancer long before they ever admitted any of it was their fault. They still sent Mom a check every month after he died. She died the next year. Dad was the reason I never enlisted. I don't care what the guys called me. I had seen the whole show first-hand.
The last time I was at the VA to see him?
You know, I can't even remember.
And speaking of Lifestyle Changes...
I am nothing if not adaptable. Realized with some of the more pronounced FRED inconveniences it was time this year to hire a part-time personal assistant (in addition to my part-time house-keeper) who can help me with some of the things I am having more difficulty managing now. Should be real improvement!
I am hopeful.
Have a great weekend!