Sunday, December 4, 2016

Rose and Idgy's Zen Weekend...and A Teal and Brown Christmas

                               Celebrating my 57th and her 41st Birthday

She has had an exhaustive few weeks recently helping with her Mom's chemotherapy and radiation, opting for a three day weekend of "nesting" together.  Good comfort food, annoyingly sweet wine (muscadine), completely low impact, good chocolate, a lot of sleep and some films we had wanted to see together. 

Oh...and her Teal and Brown Christmas.

By the time she arrived Friday the halls were in varying stages of decked..and Teal had permeated my chocolate brown decor.

Including...but not limited to candles, bath and tea towels, wash clothes and dish rags...I even broke out last year's "The Unfinished Snowman" I had painted with Emma as it fit with the colour scheme (and season)

                         (...And yes, Idgy...I believe those ARE Happy Trees...)


Tucker took up his POSITION beneath the glowing tree...when he wasn't waiting for "Sky-Food" to fall.

By last night she was rested, relaxed and we were enjoying the Muscadine and deciding the next film we wanted to see.

Over the Weekend we caught

The Accountant with Ben Affleck (2016)

which was outstanding.

The 2013 version of The Girl On The Train

Which was convoluted, engaging and well worth the watch- delving into (male) human behaviourism.

and then watched the new (and alternate version)

The Girl On The Train (2016)

Which was an edgier, keep you on the edge of your seat, "I'm afraid dinner is going to be Fettuccini Alfredo with Chicken in a Pasta Bowl in front of the screen" affair.  Dealing with a trio of three woman and (once again) primal human behaviourism.

It is impossible to say which of the two "On The Train" films were better. Both were convoluted. Many surprises. Very different from one another necessitating a trip to the library soon for The Book to see how it handles all of this. 

Raspberry Birthday Pastries and

                                                          Fire and Ice

No Bailey's.
Just frozen hot cocoa.
And REAL HUGS and laughter and chat.

And (of course) way too short, this year...although with everything that is happening we are thankful to have had the bit of time we managed to arrange. 

So this evening we are

Back in "The Box", again....


A great picture from Nicole arrived- where Emma, Aiden and Brenden actually all smiled, and looked at the camera at the same time while visiting Santa.

And I have pulled together the Christmas Cards and am working on them tonight.

Until Our next Great Adventure


Oh...and because "The Decorating Gene" is strong with us...we're adding smaller silver balls and peacock (eye) feathers scattered randomly throughout the tree.  Feathers. Who would have even thought? It is going to be spectacular! Also going to incorporate them into the gift-wrapping like this

Proving, again, that two heads are better than one when it comes to decorating ideas!

                                                       Bad BIFF!