Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Whales...

No...not a trip  to Walmart...

Decided to check out the Whales in the Alaskan Waters.
Just beautiful.

The Optimal time for Whale Watching in Alaska is the very end of July. Through the incredible venue of YouTube and gratitude for those who have taken the time to travel and post their videos we can experience part of the same in Mid-February (today)

There are many species of whales in these waters

Orca (Killer)



Sperm (this is the whale of our childhood...think Cap't Ahab or Jonah in his little boat swallowed whole )


Blue (the largest whale/mammal on Earth)




and Finned Whale

And two really great Whale videos taken in Alaska and shared.

I think one of the most amazing sights had to be a group  of Humpbacks "Bubble Hunting" where they worked in a group  to surround a school of herring in a ring of bubbles like so

 Then came up from beneath in middle (the group) mouths open to catch their meal.

Fairly incredible.

Some other captures from this morning's (Virtual) Whale Watch with Breakfast.

And a Morning in The Passage well spent!