Friday, September 22, 2017

The Graham-Cassidy Proposal...North Korea...and Politics

In a scenario, which is getting to feel more and more like Bill Murry's Groundhog's Day, after 60+ tries...the GOP is trying once more to dispatch the ACA (Obamacare)

It is a GOP ZOMBIE effort...The Zombie Bill... it just won't fucking die.

This time they have hastily thrown it together in just two weeks, and renamed it The Graham-Cassidy Proposal.

You can polish a turd...wrap it in expensive shiny colorful paper...festoon it with bright ribbons...tuck in a gift card...but in the end...when it is unwrapped...yep...still a turd, and stinks to high heaven.

And huge thanks to Susan Collins, John McCain, all the Democrats, and Alaska's Lisa Murkowski- as well as everyone in The Resistance who have stood and continue to stand side by side to STOP this bill which stands to throw hundreds of millions off healthcare and gives huge tax breaks to the 1%.

Our Orange Abomination coming out to say that the bill does NOT let insurance companies refuse coverage for pre-existing conditions. But they can charge you out the ass for them.What he fails to tell you or hopes we don't notice is that the funds earmarked for this bill are to be disbursed in block grants to each individual cover or not cover as they see fit. 

Wait.  Didn't we fight (and win) a whole Civil war to prevent the states from just doing whatever the hell they like...damn the people?

Give your Senator a call today and keep up the pressure


Meanwhile Scott Pruitt...which His Marmaladeness appointed as the Head of the EPA watches as three (count em 3) CAT 5 hurricanes rip through the Caribbean devastating several islands including Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands  (whose citizens ARE American Citizens by-the-way) and STILL has the audacity to say

"Now is not the time to discuss global warming."

It is insane...

It is like having your doctor tell you that you have diabetes...then follow it up with

"But now is not the time to discuss dietary SUGAR reduction."

Or your neighbor telling you your house is on fire and when you ask to call the fire department him sayng

"Oh Bob, now is certainly NOT the time to discuss the fire department."

 and meanwhile the Tangerine Tyrant is still vocalizing his disbelief in Global Warming/Climate Change.

Jesus Wept.

Good news, may become moot because he has managed to piss off another world leader who is as insane as he is...

This Guy

Who has been testing missiles...and noted as early as this morning he is going to test a Hydrogen Bomb over the Pacific soon...oh, and that he thinks Trump is insane.

How nuts do you have to be to have Kim Jong Un  (a bull-goose looney himself) refer to you as insane.

Think about that for a minute.

And if we do manage to not be wiped away by a hurricane or a wildfire or F-5 tornado...or Earthquake...or a disgruntled unhinged North Korean Leader...

There is THIS GUY

David Meade.

Biblical researcher who insists that Saturday we will be hit by Planet X...which he calls Nibiru...the beginning of the Apocalypse.


"I read it on Facebook,'s got to be true."

Having personally survived multiple  "...the world is ending..." deadlines...let's just say it gets less and less scary each time, and I'm skeptical.

In fact I've already made plans for Sunday.

So if you are part of The me...keep fighting the good fight.

If your Senators are going to vote No on Graham-Cassidy, or even if you just want to tweet an attaboy to one that is going to...please do.

And let's keep encouraging Mueller with his on-going investigation.

One day this Presidency might just be a tiny embarrassing blip in history books.

More Anon....