Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Life List #22: The Cirque du Soleil

I have to admit I have had 2 separate opportunities years back (...the last being Las Vegas...) to actually see this firsthand and declined. Was busy seeing other stuff. Didn't take the time. Put it off.

Like the FREE scuba lessons I blew off in the Bahamas years and years ago...because I was young and stupid and just wanted to hang out at the pool...tan and enjoy the swim up bar.

(...which was STILL pretty great...)

Life has a pretty sharp learning curve sometimes.

Thanks to the internet and virtual travel...we can see Cirque du Soleil today!

From Quebec the "Circus of the Sun" began in Canada in 1984 by two street performers.

In 1984 the Canada Council for The Arts gave them a sizable grant and the very first Le Grand Tour du Cirque du Soleil began.

With the exceptions of snakes and doves used infrequently during specific named shows...there have never been animals in this circus.

Now they have performed in 271 cities and every Continent except Antarctica.

In 2014 they also opened a theme park in Mexico.

Ticket to the Las Vegas Show currently run from 86.00 to 250.00 depending on seating.

Today our show is FREE.

The Cirque Du Soleil (best acts)


Prepare to be amazed!

Some of the various shows available:

More anon...

Octopus Garden