Saturday, July 18, 2020

Fried Fish...Fair Food...Our July Adventure...and Watermelon Wine

No Fair this year???

No problem!

We spent the middle of the week with a lot of Our Time and Relaxing.  Making Fair Food (...roast corn on the cob, Italian sausage sandwiches with peppers and onions, root beer floats and elephant ears...) Checking out the local ponds and creeks, enjoying a drive by fried bass-ing from Chris...and later battered bluegill bites! Sitting out before bedtime watching the fireflies and listening to the bullfrogs boom in the nearby retention pond...oh and the deafening tzee-tzee-tzee of the emerging 17 year Cicadas.

And, maybe, seeing some Fall Fishing in our future.

We also took a run out to make sure Chandlers Orchard was still in business after all this Covid crisis.

Happily...still afloat and we picked up a couple of bags of cheese curds.

Tried a new type of shredded cheese he found and brought with him from home.

Habanero Cheese.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hot!!!

and had the first tasting of my homemade Watermelon Wine (...which will be ready by the end of the month...)

A "first" for both of we had never tried watermelon wine before.

Gypsy Winery: Watermelon Wine 2020

Message in this Bottle


My favorite thing was the color...a baby blush pink.

Although the scent (nose) was not strongly watermelon, there was a wonderful aftertaste of chilled summer melon.

(...hoping the scent develops over the next week a little more....)

Light, delicate and slightly sweet...really nice with cheese and crackers.

I'm thinking Peaches for August's micro-batch.

What a wonderful July Adventure!!!

I love us!

Chris has been doing quite a bit of fishing...and cooking...this week.

                                        Cornmeal and spices on Bass.

And sharing.

The Beer-Battered Bluegill Bites were amazing...and I must get the recipe for the batter...which he said he put Guinness Stout in.


1 cup flour
 ½ cup cornbread
1 tsp garlic powder 

½ tsp lemon pepper 

1 tsp McCormick Himalayan pink salt all purpose seasoning 

1 ½ cup Guinness extra stout

One beaten egg

Fry it in Crisco

The Patio Garden thriving from the rains early this week.

And drainage issues in Fairyland...

resulting in catastrophic flooding...immediate relocation...and drainage.

                                   Fairies vow  "We Will Rebuild!!!"

 Nothing yet in the way of new released movies.


I've been watching a lot of the older Christopher Titus stand-up specials.
Very good.

The Outreach Program at my local library is back in full swing and I finally got
that Christopher  Moore I have been waiting...and waiting...and waiting for.

The third in a series


Serpent of Venice

Shakespeare for Squirrels

Pocket of Dog-Snogging is back...along with Drool...Jeff the Monkey...the puppet Jones.

(...and a ghost...because there is always a bloody ghost...)

Dropped into a setting that suspiciously looks like A MidSummer Night's Dream...complete with The Puck.

Absolutely hilarious!

I've needed this.

Waiting now for Stephen King's latest collection of short stories.

There's a line.

Stay Safe!

More Anon...

Why masks work.

Wear the damned mask!

And I finally got that Guam Beach Painting finished!!!