The reason I have decided to explore all three countries together is their relative tininess...proximity...but mostly their similarities.
This area is known as the Slave Coast.
Located on the Gulf of Guinea, it was a main port for slave trade.Today, there is something that remains from that era that is amazing.
The traditional Voodoo religion.
Although this area is 45% Roman Catholic now...and a few Muslim...the largest part of the people in these three countries follow and practice Voodoo.
There are Voodoo Priests, Festivals and Gatherings.
2021 Voodoo Festival

In fact, Benin is touted as The Birthplace of Voodoo.
Kpohinto Medji: Voodoo Priest
Here in The States the oversimplification of Voodoo (Voudou) brings to mind images like this...
Actually...Voodoo is a monotheistic religion (one god) much like Christianity.
The god, Bondye, is rather uninvolved after the creation...and multiple spirits called Loa tend to the day to day events.
There are specific loa for everything.
Farmers might pray to the loa of agriculture, for instance.
Each loa has its own name.
Voodoo is a combination of folk medicine, ethics, stories (passed from generation to generation) and song.
They strongly believe in the spirit world and its assistance.
Benin is also known for its bronzes.
Togo for its palm-lined beaches.
and Ghana for their Gold.
Unfortunately, most of the residents of these three countries live in extreme poverty.
Like most of Africa's countries and population divided into the very rich or the very poor.
Next we will explore The Ivory Coast!
Until then... `