Saturday, July 6, 2024

...a small rant....



OMFG!!! Let me get through this election without stroking out...or killing someone.

Yes. I watched the debate...all excruciating 90 minutes of it.

It was bad.

Biden had a bad night.

He was exhausted...had a cold...and had a bad night.

Biden had one bad night...and although he rallied in the middle...and despite all the good he has accomplished in the last 3.5 years...

It is ALL the MSM has talked about since that night.

Not the Wisconsin rally...which was brilliant.

Not the CBS interview where he was literally asked the same question in ten different formats (...until it was like being interviewed by Rainman...)

"...but how long until Wapner???""

And it isn't bad enough that the GOP is asking him to drop out.

...of course THEY are...

But now there are 5 of our own party who have jumped on the band wagon.

They aren't well known names...and Biden made it clear he is going to stay and win...but I am angry!!!

This position is literally ours to lose.

We are poised to win with possibly one of the best, and most productive, Presidents of my lifetime...and a handful of you are clamoring to switch horses mid-stream...with 4 months until the election.

Have you lost your fucking minds????

And TRUMP...

Goddamn Trump.

Convicted of Fraud.

Convicted of Sexual Assault.

A 34x Convicted Felon.

Up on charges of inciting an insurrection...fake electors...obstruction of an election...stealing classified documents... 

And don't even get me started about Project 2025...look it up for yourselves.

...or the fact that he and Epstein were charged in the rape of a 13 year old child...a virgin...only to have the charged dropped when her family was threatened repeatedly...

And the MSM is all

"Biden is Too Old"


If they convince him to drop out at this point...we WILL have 4 more years of TFG.

And everyone who is associated with it...will DESERVE it.



I'm still Ridin' with Biden!