Sometimes...when you are up to your ass in is hard to remember you're there to drain the swamp...
The last few weeks I've been letting Trump and his Boy-Sidekick (Musk) eat my brain.
Even though I swore I was not going to let that happen.
What did it get me?
Sleepless nights...general grumpiness...feeling overwhelmed and this lovely stress (cold) sore on the right side of my mouth.
...I know...bleah...
Am trying hard to reset over the next few days.
Touching Grass.
...not literally...mine being buried by snow currently...
Amidst all the chaos and insanity, John and I had a lovely Valentine's Day with heart-shaped pizza and jalapeno poppers and coffee, cards, dark chocolate cocoa and so much chocolate...and stuff for the cats, of course...and even a small cat-nap together.
It was wonderful!
How perfect to share the day reserved for love...with someone you love.
And how easy it is to take that (and so many other things for granted).
Waking up.
A good night's sleep.
Not hurting.
Loving and being loved.
Tux purring himself to sleep on top on me...then falling into that deep sleep where he snores.
Watching his ears, whiskers and paws twitch while he dreams.
A delicious meal.
The return of warmth, the light, and soon Spring!
And a million other moments.
Got to stay focused on these!!!!