Friday, May 22, 2015

Continuation of Virtual France: Limousin...Planks and Fondant Roses

                                                       Limousin Bull

And I continue the Virtual France Adventure heading from Limoges further into Limousin (pronounced Leh-moo-zuh)

Limousin is to France as Central Indiana is to the United States. The Heartland.

It is filled with rolling hills, lakes and rivers...surround by two vast mountain ranges. Its grasslands are perfect grazing areas for Limousine cattle. These stocky cattle were originally bred/developed in Britian. They are raised for their leaner meat . 95% fat free. They are also used to breed with Angus and Herefords to produce a well marbled meat and a sturdier animal.

The Rocking R Ranch located in Missouri in The States raises and sells meat from Limousin steers for anyone interested.

The architecture here is a hodge podge of everything, from sleek modern to castles and rough gray stone structures with mossy slate topped roofing.First occupied by the Romans...and a major battlefield during France's 100 Year Wars.

The entire area is a bit more than 6,500 square miles and sparsely populated;  only about 42 people per square mile. Many excellent "tours" of both the city areas and the countryside available on Youtube.

A day spent in the countryside...and I think before long I will be trying the beef.

Received my tiny bit of Arles in the post this week in the form of

a (circulated) 1888 Silver Franc.
(above image is only a representation...not the actual franc)

It is, for me, perfect souvenir of the area. I like to imagine Toulouse Lautrec pressing it into the hand of his favorite as he purchased either flesh or Absinthe with it. Perhaps it changed hands during the sale of a Renoir masterpiece (although he wouldn't know then that his work would be viewed this way) or helped paid Van Gogh's rent for another month; contributed by his brother Theo.
Maybe, at one point, it jingled in the pocket of my favorite Impressionist: Monet.

Given its circulation date all these are are genuinely possible.


I have started adding PLANKS to my morning work-out reps this week...and what German Sadist came up with this anyway???? 
Seriously. is like this, afterwards.
Every morning.

I'm not sure it is going to work out for me at all, actually.
I am more like:

  "Yeah... just held that one for 30 seconds...I'm I need a jelly doughnut."


Oh well...

I did stumble onto something exciting to try soon, though!

Yeah yeah...I know...  "Squirrel"

I even found a recipe for making sugar dewdrops to place on them!

As I said earlier this year, I have always wanted to try my hand at the elegant decoration of cupcakes and petit fours. I found pre-tinted pastel fondant (multiple colours in one package) recently and when Idgy arrives we are going to attempt these beautiful fondant roses to top white cupcakes with a bit of raspberry jam in the center and buttercream icing...later to have the most lovely afternoon tea with them.

We may have to invite Nicole and Emma (and Rebecca her doll) to join us!

Have a Wonderful and Safe Holiday Weekend!