Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Pearl Harbor/USS Arizona Memorial.., (Virtual Oahu, Hawaii)

The USS Arizona Memorial (pictured above) is found in Pearl
Harbor. It marks the final resting place of 1,102 of the 1,177 sailors killed
during the Japanese surprise attack on December 7, 1941.

An air-view shows the sunken USS Arizona beneath the surface.

The Memorial was built in 1962 and is accessible only by boat. A shuttle service brings over 2 million people annually to see the Memorial.

Within the building is an opening in the floor positioned over the deck of the sunken battleship and visitors can toss flowers in to honor the fallen sailors.
The surrounding railings are often draped with leis or have wreaths affixed.

The USS Missouri also sits perpendicular to the memorial as if watching over it. On it's bow, the Japanese surrendered to General  Douglas MacArthur at Tokyo Bay.

Tour of Memorial.


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