Today our virtual adventure takes us to the Canberra Balloon Spectacular . A few days early given the actual event this year runs from March 10th - 18th. But since we are running on virtual time...that won't stop us!
Truly spectacular as over 30 balloonists (and balloons) from all over the world gather in Canberra for this event. Some of the best are the specialty ballons.
Canberra Balloon Spectacular
and a time-lapse
and for those who want to get in on the action- Canberra offers hot air balloon tours
Balloon Tour
The Hot Air Balloon Package starts from 265.00 for a 45 minute flight, a glass of sparkling wine afterwards, and a personalized flight certificate.
Hope you enjoyed the adventure!
Monday, February 26, 2018
Saturday, February 24, 2018
This Week
Woke Monday morning and the Paperwhites had bloomed during the night. Correction. They had burst from their thin outer papery confinements and shot the empty tubes like so many straw papers at a party.
My friend, John, is right. This would have made some amazing time-lapse photography.
But they looked like this now.
In fact everything is now bloomed and beautiful. Still have a few of the bulbs and have started a second wave of forcing.
This time tiny blue Muscari and miniature Daffodils. Also found a hyacinth bulb I missed the first time (already trying to open and I think it is going to be blue or deep purple)
Found some hyacinth oil on eBay, and now I smell like Spring-time, as well!
Valentine's Day must be over...the chocolate is gone.
Jill and I finally finished our Snoopy Winter together this week.
Her's in Watercolors
Mine in Acrylics
(...why, yes...that is Woodstock building a
Truth be told this was a very difficult project for me.
"Damn it, Jim...I'm an Impressionist who does Landscapes...not a Cartoonist"
And when I was just trying to paint the cartoon as it appeared...the lack of creative license was driving me nuts...finally I just relaxed and started having fun with it (adding pearl snow and Woodstock and the snow guy) and it came together for me.
By the completion I was enjoying myself.
Finally beginning that Ghost of Monet I have been contemplating for over a year.
To give you some background...I LOVE Charles Peterson's "ghost people, animals and objects" in his paintings.
This one is my favorite.
September Sun
So when I saw this photograph of Monet taken on the path by his water gardens, I decided it HAD to be done.
My intentions are to paint the background (gardens and pond) in natural colour...then go back and ghost in Monet with translucents of white.
My apologies (in advance) to Monsieur Peterson.
Anyway, that is the project I am starting.
Busy week...Started Sunday with a Wonderful Post-Valentine's Brunch at Almost Home with John.
Finally tasted their Pork Tenderloin (...thanks for the bite, guy...) which is HUGE. I mean this would make 3 or 4 meals for me...he polished off the entire thing and proclaimed it delicious. Also tried their Rosemary Fries. It is amazing how much a sprinkling of Rosemary adds to handcut fries.
And we split a wedge of Strawberry Pizza.
Got a visit from both James and Chris and a call from Lennon...and chatted for a while, this week.
Chris is having a great time with his Cisco Training and the hands on Server Rack
And is discovering, learning amazing things.
We both have finished the Altered Carbon Episodes from Season One now...there were 10. And had fun discussing them. He has started the novel and I am in queue from my local (library) and should have it next week to begin.
Enjoyed a long chat with Lennon midweek. He is doing well. Surrounded by "snowbirds" (the tourist type). Found a Lego version of Eleanor (Gone in 60 Seconds:Shelby GT) and I was encouraging him to buy and build it
" HAVE to..."
And catching up on politics...the Parkview al.
Of the three boys, Lennon is probably the most aligned with me (and his late dad) we enjoy some no-holds-barred political discourse. It is wonderful.
(no...tell me what you REALLY feel)
And James came by with Taco Bell (...t'was a drive by Taco Bell-ing) and shared what he had bought from Dan's (The Music Center) with his birthday money. And I WISH I had a picture.
It is amazing. Not his father's wah wah pedal.
This pedal does everything. Bill would have just drooled.
It is a shame it didn't exist back before 2010...he would have sooooooooooo had to have one.
Can make your guitar sound like Pink Floyd, Hendrix, Zeppelin...basically any other guitar style.
He showed me video of himself playing with the different sounds it could make.
And the Tacos and chat were pretty good, too.
And when he left...with a hug and the comment
"You know, when you're gone...I am really going to miss this."
(...the time together and chat for a couple hours...)
It really made me stop and think as well. As wonderful as their infancy to teens challenging as their teens to adulthood was...I sons as adults- is probably my favorite stage (time) in their lives.
It is wonderful to see/hear them excited about the latest discovery, or computers, or politics, or music...yes...even Legos.
They have all turned into really GOOD human beings...and isn't that all any mother can ask for?
They are all so intelligent...all continue to think, discover and learn (and get excited about it). And share it with me!
They are all so very interesting (as adults), and I love the time we spend now.
Invited to our neighbor, Bob's, later in the week for a cook out (brats) and to check out his new upright electric patio grill and meet his new Rescue Kitty
a large orange and white purr-machine named Buttercup.
"Don't ask me...they named him that at the shelter!"
Names aside, like all cats...he moved in and runs the show now.
And I may have to look into purchasing one of those grills, myself.
My fuzzy feral, Myst, seems to have moved on now that the weather has broke. Much to Shelby-Cat's satisfaction, I might add.
It was nice to be her Kitty B&B for the bitter winter months, anyway.
Shelby has begun the Seasonal Shed. Back to thinking maybe those people who developed the Sphinx Cats were just looking for an option that didn't involve shellacking the kitty.
I'd have to crochet it a little full body sweater or something.
I'll stick with de-furring everything.
To be honest...this little guy kind of creeps me out. A lot.
Despite almost a solid week of rain (or maybe because of it) I honestly believe the Groundhog missed it this year and we are in for an Early Spring.
(...cue The Blizzard...)
The temps are holding from high 40's to the outdoor bulbs are peering through...and the Spring migratory birds woke me singing yesterday!
Haven't heard anything from the Peepers or Chorus Frogs yet.
Looking forward to sunshine (maybe) next Monday and Tuesday to start the outdoor tidy-up and to slip the rest of the refrigerated bulbs into outdoor containers. I want to fill the trough with blue Muscaris and yellow Daffodils...and planted the bushel basket full of Daffodils last Fall. They'll be spent by the time I need it for my herbs.
This Week's Movie:
One of Marvel's best and most daring to date. Brilliant casting. Nice to see Angela Basset and Forrest Whitaker, again. Great special effects. Outstanding acting and storyline. Nice ending and message. Even the costuming. Just can't say enough good things about this film. And a true Black Superhero and role model!
Wakanda Forever!
A MUST see.
The Book this Week:
A continuation of Detective Cooper Devereux's investigations. A series of murders on or near the victims 21st birthdays. Bodies found wrapped in colored sheets and tied with another sheet resembling a bow on a package.
Fast paced and engaging. Several viable suspects. A couple of good pull-the-rug out from under you twists.
You will sit down and not stop until it is finished. One of those "damned books"!
Don't say I didn't warn you!
And...although after yesterday's weapon missive I am not doing
And Now What???
But I will leave you with MY Happy Thought for the week:
Never ever ever forget that This Guy (Robert Mueller)
was the man who got JOHN (...The Teflon Don...) GOTTI, convicted. Sentenced to the Rest of his natural life in Prison, turned Sammy "The Bull" to State's Evidence, and brought down the Gambino Family.
He also convicted and jailed Manuel Noriega...
I don't think Trump and his band of Merry Morons are going to cause him to break a sweat, okay
Just saying...
More Monday!
My friend, John, is right. This would have made some amazing time-lapse photography.
But they looked like this now.
In fact everything is now bloomed and beautiful. Still have a few of the bulbs and have started a second wave of forcing.
This time tiny blue Muscari and miniature Daffodils. Also found a hyacinth bulb I missed the first time (already trying to open and I think it is going to be blue or deep purple)
Found some hyacinth oil on eBay, and now I smell like Spring-time, as well!
Valentine's Day must be over...the chocolate is gone.
Jill and I finally finished our Snoopy Winter together this week.
Her's in Watercolors
Mine in Acrylics
(...why, yes...that is Woodstock building a
Truth be told this was a very difficult project for me.
"Damn it, Jim...I'm an Impressionist who does Landscapes...not a Cartoonist"
And when I was just trying to paint the cartoon as it appeared...the lack of creative license was driving me nuts...finally I just relaxed and started having fun with it (adding pearl snow and Woodstock and the snow guy) and it came together for me.
By the completion I was enjoying myself.
Finally beginning that Ghost of Monet I have been contemplating for over a year.
To give you some background...I LOVE Charles Peterson's "ghost people, animals and objects" in his paintings.
This one is my favorite.
September Sun
So when I saw this photograph of Monet taken on the path by his water gardens, I decided it HAD to be done.
My intentions are to paint the background (gardens and pond) in natural colour...then go back and ghost in Monet with translucents of white.
My apologies (in advance) to Monsieur Peterson.
Anyway, that is the project I am starting.
Busy week...Started Sunday with a Wonderful Post-Valentine's Brunch at Almost Home with John.
Finally tasted their Pork Tenderloin (...thanks for the bite, guy...) which is HUGE. I mean this would make 3 or 4 meals for me...he polished off the entire thing and proclaimed it delicious. Also tried their Rosemary Fries. It is amazing how much a sprinkling of Rosemary adds to handcut fries.
And we split a wedge of Strawberry Pizza.
Got a visit from both James and Chris and a call from Lennon...and chatted for a while, this week.
Chris is having a great time with his Cisco Training and the hands on Server Rack
And is discovering, learning amazing things.
We both have finished the Altered Carbon Episodes from Season One now...there were 10. And had fun discussing them. He has started the novel and I am in queue from my local (library) and should have it next week to begin.
Enjoyed a long chat with Lennon midweek. He is doing well. Surrounded by "snowbirds" (the tourist type). Found a Lego version of Eleanor (Gone in 60 Seconds:Shelby GT) and I was encouraging him to buy and build it
" HAVE to..."
And catching up on politics...the Parkview al.
Of the three boys, Lennon is probably the most aligned with me (and his late dad) we enjoy some no-holds-barred political discourse. It is wonderful.
(no...tell me what you REALLY feel)
And James came by with Taco Bell (...t'was a drive by Taco Bell-ing) and shared what he had bought from Dan's (The Music Center) with his birthday money. And I WISH I had a picture.
It is amazing. Not his father's wah wah pedal.
This pedal does everything. Bill would have just drooled.
It is a shame it didn't exist back before 2010...he would have sooooooooooo had to have one.
Can make your guitar sound like Pink Floyd, Hendrix, Zeppelin...basically any other guitar style.
He showed me video of himself playing with the different sounds it could make.
And the Tacos and chat were pretty good, too.
And when he left...with a hug and the comment
"You know, when you're gone...I am really going to miss this."
(...the time together and chat for a couple hours...)
It really made me stop and think as well. As wonderful as their infancy to teens challenging as their teens to adulthood was...I sons as adults- is probably my favorite stage (time) in their lives.
It is wonderful to see/hear them excited about the latest discovery, or computers, or politics, or music...yes...even Legos.
They have all turned into really GOOD human beings...and isn't that all any mother can ask for?
They are all so intelligent...all continue to think, discover and learn (and get excited about it). And share it with me!
They are all so very interesting (as adults), and I love the time we spend now.
Invited to our neighbor, Bob's, later in the week for a cook out (brats) and to check out his new upright electric patio grill and meet his new Rescue Kitty
a large orange and white purr-machine named Buttercup.
"Don't ask me...they named him that at the shelter!"
Names aside, like all cats...he moved in and runs the show now.
And I may have to look into purchasing one of those grills, myself.
My fuzzy feral, Myst, seems to have moved on now that the weather has broke. Much to Shelby-Cat's satisfaction, I might add.
It was nice to be her Kitty B&B for the bitter winter months, anyway.
Shelby has begun the Seasonal Shed. Back to thinking maybe those people who developed the Sphinx Cats were just looking for an option that didn't involve shellacking the kitty.
I'd have to crochet it a little full body sweater or something.
I'll stick with de-furring everything.
To be honest...this little guy kind of creeps me out. A lot.
Despite almost a solid week of rain (or maybe because of it) I honestly believe the Groundhog missed it this year and we are in for an Early Spring.
(...cue The Blizzard...)
The temps are holding from high 40's to the outdoor bulbs are peering through...and the Spring migratory birds woke me singing yesterday!
Haven't heard anything from the Peepers or Chorus Frogs yet.
Looking forward to sunshine (maybe) next Monday and Tuesday to start the outdoor tidy-up and to slip the rest of the refrigerated bulbs into outdoor containers. I want to fill the trough with blue Muscaris and yellow Daffodils...and planted the bushel basket full of Daffodils last Fall. They'll be spent by the time I need it for my herbs.
This Week's Movie:
One of Marvel's best and most daring to date. Brilliant casting. Nice to see Angela Basset and Forrest Whitaker, again. Great special effects. Outstanding acting and storyline. Nice ending and message. Even the costuming. Just can't say enough good things about this film. And a true Black Superhero and role model!
Wakanda Forever!
A MUST see.
The Book this Week:
A continuation of Detective Cooper Devereux's investigations. A series of murders on or near the victims 21st birthdays. Bodies found wrapped in colored sheets and tied with another sheet resembling a bow on a package.
Fast paced and engaging. Several viable suspects. A couple of good pull-the-rug out from under you twists.
You will sit down and not stop until it is finished. One of those "damned books"!
Don't say I didn't warn you!
And...although after yesterday's weapon missive I am not doing
And Now What???
But I will leave you with MY Happy Thought for the week:
Never ever ever forget that This Guy (Robert Mueller)
was the man who got JOHN (...The Teflon Don...) GOTTI, convicted. Sentenced to the Rest of his natural life in Prison, turned Sammy "The Bull" to State's Evidence, and brought down the Gambino Family.
He also convicted and jailed Manuel Noriega...
I don't think Trump and his band of Merry Morons are going to cause him to break a sweat, okay
Just saying...
More Monday!
Friday, February 23, 2018
After reading and watching and listening to a LOT of people on both sides of the gun debate after ANOTHER school shooting and the deaths of 14 of our kids and 3 teachers...
My 2 cents.
After watching the surviving kids at the White House, and the Town Hall on Wednesday night, and seeing the sheer strength and determination these kids displayed-
My Hope in this up and coming generation has been renewed.
Well..except for the Tide-Pod Eaters, okay?
This may be the turning point...even if there is still a long way to go.
These kids are refusing to just sit down and shut up after watching their friends die.
And everyone from the local level to the Presidency is becoming actively engaged in the discussion.
It has been 9 days and we are STILL having a dialogue.
That, in itself, is progress.
Many people and corporations have started distancing themselves from the NRA or actively boycotting politicians and corporations that support them or receive money from them.
Everything from banning bump-stocks, banning AR-15's, Raising the purchase age limit, having marshals at the school similar to an air marshal on a plane, arming teachers, metal detectors, More comprehensive background checks, mental health ownership prohibition, and being discussed. Several states have already independently passed local restrictions.
Personally, I think
Restoring the Ban on Assault Weapons (...after President Reagan's assassination attempt they used to be...remember the Brady Bill?) Civilians do not NEED assault weapons. Full stop.
Ban Bump-Stocks Completely and stiff fines/jail time for anyone who alters any semi-automatic weapon to automatic as well as confiscating the weapon. Place the offender on a list and no further gun sales.
I love the idea of raising the age of purchase to 21. I also think that military enlistment age should be raised to 21 as well
If you are too young to purchase a legal drink you should be too young to buy a weapon or die for this country.
(...and I would support a sale of tobacco restriction to 21 as well...)
I can get behind fully trained armed military guards...but in no way think we should arm the teachers. For two reasons
1. Outposted Military Guards are a Proven Deterrent. Not security. Not the police. Trained Military. There is a huge difference.
2. Think of some of the teachers you have had/or think about them with guns. See my point?
(...and to be honest I am hearing Christopher Titus yelling "ARM THE CHILDREN" at this point")
I think metal detectors should be mandatory at all school entrances.
I don't think anyone with history of
Mental Illness
Domestic Abuse, Violent Crime or Restraining Order for Violence
Prior Weapon Related Crime/Felony
should ever legally be able to purchase a weapon.
We will see where we are at when the dust settles.
Now...for anyone who has accused these kids of being
or any of the other bullshit and hate I have heard in the past week-
What the HELL is WRONG with you people????
You want to know why these kids are speaking up?
Because they watched their teachers and friends die in front of them.
Think People.
No one is "comin' for your guns" Hell, President Obama didn't even come for your guns...and you said he was...waited for it DAILY...for eight years!
But we have reached a point where SOMETHING has to change.
Doing NOTHING, and thoughts and prayers doesn't seem to be working.
More Anon...
Besides the lack of training (and it takes a lot more than an instructor and shooting targets on a range to prepare you psychologically and logistically to deal with a live shooter especially in a confined area with students milling around), another reason teachers have no business being armed and/or epected to "take down" an active shooter.
Yesterday...this shooter was more than likely one of their students...maybe through the year/years they had joked with him or her in the hall between class or knew their family.
In short...whether or not they acknowledge it outright...teachers do have an emotional investment in their students.
Do you know why the military goes to such lengths to dehumanize the enemy in soldiers minds?
So when they are in a do or die combat situation they don't freeze. They don't think
"This guy probably has a wife and children at home who love and will miss him."
In WAR this is necessary. Just an automatic response.
But it is not something they are going to teach you (or can) in a class on a shooting range.
And the Guard who did not rush into a live shooter situation with a service revolver?
He would have just been one more corpse to clean up. And if this guy could freeze who did have gun training...why do you think teachers wouldn't?
Stop being Armchair Generals, second guessing, and help find a viable solution to our gun problem.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Virtual Australia: Canberra- Skydive OZ
Here we are Virtual Canberra for Skydive OZ.
And it is a good thing it is virtual, because there is no way in hell I'd be doing this otherwise.
While I was looking through all their photos this morning I realized that everyone photographed during the jump had this big goofy smile plastered all over their face.
Yeah...that would NOT be me, okay?
I would be the one leaving visible fingernail marks on both sides of the open jump door as they literally detached me from the side of the plane and kicked me out into the great wide open.
I would be the one alternately screaming in the wind (all the way to the ground)
"This Suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkks"
"I hate you alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"
While making a face resembling a janitor who has just discovered a gym locker stuffed full of dirty sweat socks left from last year's class...
But this is harness up!
The price is $448. per person. Tandem jumps optional.
The altitude 15000 feet.
The view below
Fairly Amazing.
Skydive OZ
(both videos offer first person perspective)
So beautiful!
Forget it...still NOT jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.
More on Monday!
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Virtual Australia: Canberra, New South Wales-Australia
Just to the right of Sydney lies Canberra.
Canberra is the Capital City of Australia.
The name means "Meeting Place" and the site deliberately chosen as a Capital between the two larger cities (Sydney and Melbourne)
Overview of Canberra
Today (virtually) let's go see what Canberra has to offer!
Our first stop
The Festival of Floriade (Festival of Flowers)
Occurring in September in Canberra (their Spring) but through the magic of virtual travel...we can enjoy it in February.
and even have forced bulbs (here) right now so I am surrounded by the REAL smell of Tulips, Narcissus and Hyacinth!
It has been celebrated since 1988 and the gardens based on gardens in the Netherlands.
Much more than a garden, during the festival there are local artists of many mediums, entertainment, recreation and even a gnome-decorating contest!
Gnome Knoll
Love the Spider-Gnome and Bat-Gnome!
At the Gnome Knoll, plain unpainted gnomes are sold for $18.00 each, months ahead of the contest. Taken home and painted...then returned for the contest. Prizes are given based on age categories for the BEST gnome.
Art Fair, Ferris Wheel,
More Anon...
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
The Sydney Opera House and Bridge

Sydney Opera House.
Much as the Eiffel Tower is instantly recognized as Paris France and the Leaning Tower of Pisa is synonymous to Italy...the Opera House with its sail-like appearance is a global icon.
Constructed in 1973 by Lend-Lease (...the same construction firm that teamed up with Bovis to build our new Indianapolis Airport which is shaped a bit like a Manta Ray) Located on the Sydney, New South Wales Harbor.
The building offers multiple performance venues and hosts over 2500 artists annually. Encompassing Opera, Orchestra, and Theatre.
The "sails" are pre-cast concrete shells and the entire building covers nearly 4 1/2 acres of land. The building also features restaurants, cafes, retail space, recording studios and bars.
Interior view of the concert hall.
Tour of the Opera House
Sydney Harbor Bridge
This steel arch bridge allows trains, vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists a way to cross Sydney Harbor to the Business District.
Built and Opened in 1932.
The bridge spans 1,654 feet and is 440 feet high.
It has a pedestrians only staircase and footpath which is used in a recreational tour called The Bridge Climb.
Bridge Climb Tours Available
The Climb
Next time we will check out what Canberra has to offer!
More anon...
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