Friday, February 23, 2018

Weapons knew I had to go don't act all surprised.

After reading and watching and listening to a LOT of people on both sides of the gun debate after ANOTHER school shooting and the deaths of 14 of our kids and 3 teachers...

My 2 cents.

After watching the surviving kids at the White House, and the Town Hall on Wednesday night, and seeing the sheer strength and determination these kids displayed-

 My Hope in this up and coming generation has been renewed.

Well..except for the Tide-Pod Eaters, okay?

This may be the turning point...even if there is still a long way to go.

These kids are refusing to just sit down and shut up after watching their friends die. 

And everyone from the local level to the Presidency is becoming actively engaged in the discussion.

It has been 9 days and we are STILL having a dialogue.

That, in itself, is progress.

Many people and corporations have started distancing themselves from the NRA or actively boycotting politicians and corporations that support them or receive money from them.

Everything from banning bump-stocks, banning AR-15's, Raising the purchase age limit, having marshals at the school similar to an air marshal on a plane, arming teachers, metal detectors, More comprehensive background checks, mental health ownership prohibition, and being discussed. Several states have already independently passed local restrictions.

Personally, I think 

Restoring the Ban on Assault Weapons (...after President Reagan's assassination attempt they used to be...remember the Brady Bill?) Civilians do not NEED assault weapons. Full stop.

Ban Bump-Stocks Completely and stiff fines/jail time for anyone who alters any semi-automatic weapon to automatic as well as confiscating the weapon. Place the offender on a list and no further gun sales.

I love the idea of raising the age of purchase to 21. I also think that military enlistment age should be raised to 21 as well

If you are too young to purchase a legal drink you should be too young to buy a weapon or die for this country.

(...and I would support a sale of tobacco restriction to 21 as well...)

I can get behind fully trained armed military guards...but in no way think we should arm the teachers. For two reasons

1. Outposted Military Guards are a Proven Deterrent.  Not security. Not the police. Trained Military. There is a huge difference.

2. Think of some of the teachers you have had/or think about them with guns. See my point?

(...and to be honest I am hearing Christopher Titus yelling "ARM THE CHILDREN" at this point")

I think metal detectors should be mandatory at all school entrances.

I don't think anyone with  history of

Mental Illness

Domestic Abuse, Violent Crime or Restraining Order for Violence

Prior Weapon Related Crime/Felony

should ever legally be able to purchase a weapon.

We will see where we are at when the dust settles.

Now...for anyone who has accused these kids of being



or any of the other bullshit and hate I have heard in the past week-

What the HELL is WRONG with you people????


You want to know why these kids are speaking up?

Because they watched their teachers and friends die in front of them.

Think People.

No one is "comin' for your guns"  Hell, President Obama didn't even come for your guns...and you said he was...waited for it DAILY...for eight years!

But we have reached a point where SOMETHING has to change.

Doing NOTHING, and thoughts and prayers doesn't seem to be working.

More Anon...


Besides the lack of training (and it takes a lot more than an instructor and shooting targets on a range to prepare you psychologically and logistically to deal with a live shooter especially in a confined area with students milling around), another reason teachers have no business being armed and/or epected to "take down" an active shooter.

Yesterday...this shooter was more than likely one of their students...maybe through the year/years they had joked with him or her in the hall between class or knew their family.

In short...whether or not they acknowledge it outright...teachers do have an emotional investment in their students.

Do you know why the military goes to such lengths to dehumanize the enemy in soldiers minds?

So when they are in a do or die combat situation they don't freeze. They don't think

"This guy probably has a wife and children at home who love and will miss him."

In WAR this is necessary. Just an automatic response.

But it is not something they are going to teach you (or can) in a class on a shooting range.

And the Guard who did not rush into a live shooter situation with a service revolver? 

He would have just been one more corpse to clean up. And if this guy could freeze who did have gun training...why do you think teachers wouldn't?

Stop being Armchair Generals, second guessing, and help find a viable solution to our gun problem.