Saturday, October 27, 2018


..may be EATING my brain!

Not literally, of course...but still.

Have you ever SEEN such a MONTH?

Jesus...have you even ever SEEN such a couple or three days????

Just while we were wrapping our heads around the fact that Jamal Khashoggi was killed and dismembered in the Saudi Consulate...the news cycle came so hard and fast that it was just hard to keep up...and very little of it was good.

The latest...15 pipe bombs mailed to people on Trump's Enemy List.
By this guy...

 Who drove around Florida with a van with vinyls all over the windows that showed pictures of former Presidents and News Outlets and such with cross-hairs over them...and nobody...nobody...thought that was inflammatory or possibly that this guy wasn't tightly wrapped. Trump's #1 Fan.

Thankfully none of the pipe-bombs exploded, and the FBI rounded him up in short order.

He may be looking at 50-some years in prison. Pretty much a life sentence when you are at the late end of the 50's. 

Not to be outdone

This Guy

Pissed off believing the Jews were helping finance The Caravan heading toward the Mexican Border...took an AR-15 this morning into a nearby Temple during Shabbat and killed 11 people...injuring many more.

DOJ is already recommending the Death Penalty.

Here is the thing.

Both sides have their lunatic fringe.  Individuals who have lost all grip on reality.

Normal people may get angry and fantasize about taking matters into their own hands...but they DON'T act on it.

They realize acting on it would end their freedom, possibly their lives, make it where they would not be able to be with their families, have a nice steak and lobster with someone not named Bubba...I don't know...

They just don't.

But then there are people out there like these two.

Maybe they felt marginalized. Maybe they believe the chum that Trump and Fox News ladles out all too regularly. Maybe in the case of the bomber he felt Trump would recognize him...appreciate his work...after all all the bombs were mailed to people Trump had openly and repeatedly vilified. Maybe the shooter really really believed that the migrant caravan approaching was a true threat and that the Jewish people were actually financing it....who knows?

Here is what I do know.

Words Matter.

Truth Matters. 

There are people out there who are out there who are walkng the razor's edge of sanity.

(...politics aside...)

And it doesn't take a lot to shove them on over.

Maybe they don't have anything left to lose.

Both sides should take a minute to think about this.

We need to dial back the rhetoric.  All of us.

Not happy?

Go vote.

And for those two who have effectively thrown away their lives now for the MAGA cause...guess what...Trump disavowed you. Called you crazies. Wants you imprisoned for life and/or the death penalty. Wants nothing to do with you.

There is no pat on the back...or "what a good soldier for the cause".

You have thrown away your lives.

For Trump.

And he does not care.

Not one bit.

He was off to another rally last night....and he is holding another tonight.

Because you don't matter.

The 15 people who were bomb targets don't matter.

The 11 people that lost their lives at Temple don't matter.

The only thing that matters to Trump is Trump.

Midterms are only 10 Days away.

We CAN fix this.