Tuesday, November 20, 2018


When a Congressman is first elected.

After he has been in office as long as Grasserly, Graham or McConnell.

Robin Williams was right.

Poly-ticks...many blood sucking parasites.

And if this year's political dumpster fire hasn't left you EXHAUSTED...you haven't been paying attention and are doubtless part of the problem.

Where to start...

The Saudis have now admitted to the Khashoggi Murder. The CIA states the order was given by The Crown Prince (...there's a surprise, eh?) and Trump refutes the CIA investigation, and says we may

"Never know what happened."

(direct quote)

Shrugs and says we need to move on and finish our 450 million dollar deal with them. 

"It is what it is."

Are you Fucking Kidding Me???



The new House and Speaker in January couldn't be seated fast enough...and I hope Nancy crawls up his enormous orange ass with a microscope...okay.

And immediately after the election...the border troops (who were sent to stop the big scary caravan that was on its way...even though that is unconstitutional and illegal as hell) are being brought home...now...before the caravan even arrives...

Because they were just being used as a mid-term political prop...you MAGA twits...

And that mid-term BIG tax break he promised ya'll...

That is gone too...

The tariffs have cost thousands of jobs and in some instances closed manufacturing sites...

Soybean farmers lost 94% of the China sales market...and China is buying beans from Russia now,

 But #MAGA...right?

And we have a 5x draft dodger...five deferments from Vietnam...who

Did not join the other World Leaders for the Armistice 100th Year Ceremony

Did not bother to lay the Wreath on Veterans Day at Arlington

Has REPEATEDLY refused and cut funding and benefits for our troops.

Has been in office nearly two years and visited our combat troops ZERO times.

Uses our Military for Political stunts/votes or Photo Ops.

REPEATEDLY attacked military personnel who have served McCain, Mattis, Kelly, and most recently the Seal who took out Osama Bin Laden.

But you keep telling yourself how he RESPECTS our Military....#MAGA...okay?

Most recently he visited the California fires and devastated Paradise 

Which looks like this now...and 79 bodies found with hundreds still missing as they sift through and literally are making identification through DNA as the fire burned so hot and fast they were cremated. 12,900 homes have been reduced to ash.

But he flew there.

A few days after tweeting how the fires were California's fault.

He heaped insult upon injury by claiming the President of Finland said that if we RAKED our forests...this wouldn't have happened.

Let me repeat that...he thought we needed to RAKE 20 million square miles of forest floor...

(...later the Finnish President would issue an "I NEVER said that" statement...)

Trump saw firefighters raking a firebreak (line) and made it up.

The faces of the officials from Cali around him...told you all you needed to know...

(...no...it couldn't possibly be the drought...5% humidity...pine forest stands...or climate change...we just needed to RAKE...)

Never say the Finnish have no sense of humor.

They have been mocking him mercilessly since the statement...which he did NOT retract BTW...

Videos showing one Finnish man exclaiming how

"You might think it is all the rain we get...or that it is cold as fuck...but no...everyone rakes 2 hours a day- mandatory. And we even have RAKING Universities..."

and this

Also this

And the Canadians who could not resist with their Foomba (The F is for forest) which they touted as much more efficient and less manpower required!

So maybe to paraphrase Red Green

"If the ladies don't find you handy or handsome...maybe they can STILL find you humorous."

How I feel about the whole thing

But maybe that is just me...and 70% of America.

Yeah...30% still think he is doing a great job. #MAGA.

Bless Your Hearts.

Since California is about 54% forested...covering about 20 million square acres there IS good news though!

Last Census showed a population of 40 million people in Cali.

That figures out to 1/2 acre per person.

The Newly Formed California Forest Raking Committee will soon be issuing State Approved Rakes and scheduling days and times for your raking.

All debris will be tossed over the neighboring NEVADA'S fence.

Remember...you might not be able to prevent forest fires...but only YOUR VOTE can prevent POTUS like Trump.

"Dave...it is YOUR day to RAKE!!!"

I did find something amazing out of this mess...


5000 Rake Rant


This guy is California Gold. Has an entire channel of political rants. I love him!

Check it out.

With this administration he will never run out of material.

More anon...

And if you are playing Trump Bingo we are getting very very close

In fact if Sarah and General Kelly both leave us by year's end we will have a 2 way BINGO.

With the American People being the real WINNERS.