Friday, November 22, 2019

The Impeachment Hearings...

But we've made it through the hearings!

And if I NEVER have to hear Devin Nunes or see Jim Jordan's face will STILL be too soon.

Here are all the testimony transcripts in case you missed it.

(in one place)

And, honestly, I had to take some time to decompress and digest this before starting this blog.

Having watched and/or read all the testimony (even that of the GOP witnesses called) that they have proved without a doubt that

1. Ukraine Aid and the new President's visit to the WH withheld pending the investigation into Burisma and the Bidens.

2. That (per the GOP's own witness) everybody was aware of it...and Sondland named names...Trump, Pence, Guiliani, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Rick Perry...and a few others.

3. That Donald Trump had asked the Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

4.  That the country and leader who benefited the most from our withdrawal was Russia and Putin.

( THERE's a surprise...said no one ever...)

5. That the White House instructed many subpoena'd members of the GOP to ignore the subpoenas...and they did.

In short...

Bribery or Extortion (Quid Pro Quo)

Abuse of Power

Obstruction of Justice

Trying to get a Foreign Power to Interfere with our Elections.

Trump will almost assuredly be Impeached by the House.

But the Senate Republicans have become absolute contortionists this week "standing by their man".

From:  We must have open hearings

To:  No...not televised public hearings...oh god...

( careful what you wish for...)

From: This is all Secondhand.

To:  Morrison is a NEVER TRUMPER (...really? Because she is Mike Pence's Aide) and trying to smear the name and reputation of a Purple Heart Recipient and Career Veteran with a perfect service record. 

        Both, incidentally, who were on the call with Sondland and were 1st hand witnesses.

But perhaps the most damning testimony came from one of their own witnesses

Gordan Sondland

The Actual Guy on the Call 

and the guy most likely to be played by

                                                          Vin Diesel

in the mini-series. 

(...and you will know there will be one...)

Look at the guy's face on the right corner of the picture with Sondland. He looks like he is thinking

"Oh dear god...don't let me be on his list."


This was a screenshot while he was in the midst of naming names of everyone who knew and were (his words)

"In the Loop" 

And these were some of the names he was naming.

Oh, and of course, THIS GUY.

Yeah...THAT'S going to leave a mark!

And these guys were a lot like this...instantly...which was pretty hilarious actually...

This is Nunes

"...and we would have got away with it too, if it weren't for those darned kids and their pesky dog"



But did that stop them????

Surely you jest.

The hearings were concluded yesterday with Fiona Hill and David Holmes Testimonies.

Both were damning, and in agreement with all the testimony that had already been given.

The Republicans having nothing at this point...just decided to be openly rude...talking over witness testimony until I thought Shiff might wear out his little gavel...or use it on Jim Jordan.

And who could have blamed him??????

By the end of the day it was pretty apparent that the Senate Republicans will not Impeach or Remove him in the Senate Trial.

But the genie is out of the bottle.

The televised hearings went out all over The World 

(...thanks in no small part to the BBC...)

At this point the GOP's line seems to run along the lines of

"Who ya gonna believe?  Us or your lying eyes?"

And whereas we may just have to remove Trump at the ballot box ourselves...Twitter Resisters have already started amplifying the campaigns and raising funds for those running oppose the GOP candidates who are up for re-election in 2020

 Together we will fix this mess...

More anon...