Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Life List #33 Virtual Belize: Belize City

Belize, for me, has always conjured up the image of sugar white beaches, rum drinks, thatched hut resorts and crystal turquoise water.  Above all RELAXATION.

Belize City is not THAT Belize.

We will get there.

That Belize is outside the city...found on the two hundred islands that dot its Carribean coast.

But not here.

Like Napoli,  Belize City has a reputation worldwide for its crime rate.

(...since this is virtual we will spend some time poking around here...in real time most  tourists fly into the airport here...but leave almost immediately for those beaches and rum drinks...)

Into to Belize City


The city was once the capital city of the British Honduras.  This is important to know because

1.  English is the Official language here.

2.  Everyplace takes USD (without exchange) and the rate is one USD to 2 Belizean Dollars. So if an item says $20. You get it for $10 US.

Belizean Dollar Coins

Only Independent since 1981...Belize is very young and still finding its way yet.

Come on...let's tour the city...

(...from the saftey of our keyboards...)

Belize City Tour


Initially, what hits you is how poor this city is...a striking contrast to its people. Most of which are smiling and friendly.

Like any city...there are areas to be avoided.

George Street with its gang activity, mostly related to drugs, is one of these.

Downtown Belize


George Street

 With crime-scene tape evident after a mob boss killing occurring earlier.

Apparently, the locals know what they are talking about when they say

"You just no go there, man."

Although there are buses and cars visible...the main way around Belize City is
by bicycle...or BMW....which does not mean what you think it does...but it Belizean for

"...better me walk..."

On the waters edge in the city is an Official Tourist District where meals...tours...dives...guides and such can be arranged for USD.

Brightly painted and well kept, making you forget for the moment you are in a third world country.

An illusion, to be sure.

Tomorrow, we will check out the Rum Factory!