Friday, January 31, 2020

Politics...How the Impeachment Turns...and an Update on 2019- nCoV (Wuhan Virus)

Here we are.

Hours away from the Senate's vote on

Whether they are GOING to allow witnesses.

(...are you fucking kidding me???)

Out of 51 GOP Senators we only needed 4 to cross over with the Democrats.

Like Diogenes...just looking for one good man. 
(or woman)

Yeah...good luck with all that.

Two of the four we were counting on..deciding they are voting No  (Lamar and Murkowski)

and Trump's Defense Team seems to have morphed from

"He didn't do it."


"If he had done wasn't a crime."

then brazenly

"Okay...he did it. So What???? Fuck you."

And...that may be WHY I am face-first in a bowl of warm, homemade Mac and Cheese right now.

(...Trump could either make me Depressed and FAT...I'm opting for
Enraged and Carbohydrate filled...)

John Bolton and Lev Parnas both first-hand witnesses...but blocked from testimony.

Hell...Trump is even trying to block publication of Bolton's Tell-All book.

Because, yeah...demanding no evidence and no documentation is how EVERY innocent man reacts..right??

Waiting to see the vote.

Not expecting them to do the right thing, anymore...but their votes will be on record...and in November it is a sure-fired way of knowing who gets to stay and who gets voted out.

The Election.

Where we get the last word.


Let's FIX this Mess!

Speaking of mess...there is the Wuhan Virus.

As of 5 PM 9,926 confirmed cases....213 dead. 20 different countries.

7 cases in the US.

3 in California

1 in Washington State

1 in Arizona

2 in Illinois. (The first US Case of human-human transmission to someone who was never in Wuhan)

Nothing confirmed in Indiana...yet...although we have cases pending outcome.

Germany has also confirmed patient transmissible without symptoms.

 But who's counting...right?

So...yeah...we are all waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The death rate in China stand at about 1 in 45 infected. 

The Transmission is around 1-3

One person typically infects 2-3 other people.

Thankful that the WHO (World Health Organization) has insisted (ordered) that the Embassy and Ex-Pats who were flown into California (From Wuhan) be held in quarantine for at least 14 days,

(...when the flight first landed they has agreed on 72 hours!!!) 

Spectacularly bad idea.

So far, although there have been increasing numbers worldwide, only Mainland China has had deaths.

And for the first time since the Outbreak started...the recovery 233 has superseded the deaths 213.

Hoping this is a good sign.

More anon...

And...the Senate has defeated the vote for witnesses...

There will BE no witnesses called.


Update Wuhan Virus

7 PM  11,374 Confirmed Cases

                259 Deaths.