Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The First Presidential Debate 2020


and OMG...what a shit show.

Absolutely embodies 2020 as a year.

With the exception of the VP Debate on the 7th...I'm done. 

(and voting for Joe)

Not going to subject myself to anymore of Trump's lies, mocking or outbursts.

As far as I am concerned last night was just more proof that the man does not have the manners, demeanor or self-control to hold ANY office...much less the highest office in the land.

I actually found myself feeling sorry for Chris Wallace (moderator) last night...who by the end of the debate was probably feeling a bit shell-shocked himself.

" ...maybe next time a mute button...or maybe a shock collar..." 

The contrast between the two candidates could not have been any clearer last night. 

If you are still on the fence or cannot be helped.

(and maybe you should not vote)