Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Virtual Madagascar: Tsimbazaza Zoo


Okay...admit it...

When you first saw this you heard King Julian off the Disney film singing

"...we like to move it...move it..." too.


Welcome to the Botanical and Zoological Park...located in Tana.


Opened in thirty years began as a small botanical garden in 1925. Still very small it now has examples of the indigenous flora and fauna as well as a small museum with skeletons of long extinct mammals and birds and artifacts from the area.

Tsimbazaza Zoo upon Entry.

And Lemur Island.

Tour of the Park

Sadly, the gardens and pond are the best of this tiny zoo.


Most of it involving small cramped wire cages with rather scruffy looking animals.

Not at all what I expected. 

Next time we will explore the animals and plants in the wild here...


More (and better) Anon...

(...after today's surprising visit I went to the reviews of this park...poorly kept and depressing were the general at least I am not alone in my feelings...this is a Third World Zoo and cleanliness was also found lacking...)