Saturday, September 26, 2020

This Week's Cup

Week's end...and I've dragged out an unfinished Fall Painting which I've come to call The Five Year painting because this is the fifth year I've been puttering with it.

Each Fall I bring it out...lose interest in it...then return it to storage for another year. Last year I almost did an overpaint.  I think this year may be the year I add a branching Sycamore in the left foreground...some crunchy fall leaves and detail in some grasses and be done with it. 

I'm kind of sick of looking at it, honestly.

A painted version of writer's block.

Anyway, it is out and going to work on it a bit this weekend!

This weekend.

Reserved for good food, bubble baths, books, painting, blogging, and maybe a nap or three with the Sofi-Cat.

And football, of course.

Sofi...finally out of heat.

Going from "I love EVERYBODY" to "...seriously, I am just tolerating all of you..." in the blink of an eye.

She is my baby, though.

Worried about her today. She has just Doesn't want to be disturbed. Hiding out in her cat nest in my room. 

"...I WANT to be left alone..."

So I am.

Quite unSofilike.


(update: She emerged this afternoon saying HEY..You have any of that food left? And seems to be okay.)

 Brenda has recovered, and was over yesterday. We enjoyed brunch...fixed pintos and bacon and cornbread, sweet tea and peach pie- and caught up. Our friend, Diane, still in Florida caring for her 90 y/o mom who just got out of the hospital (post-Covid). She is far too weak at this point to be left alone. We are all staying in touch by phone.

Chris was over last night until late...also catching up.

Chatting about life, and school, and politics, and Covid, and brought me one of his new projects to check out...


His latest creation...a blue popper for fly-fishing.



The next natural progression from fly-fishing. Learning to tie your own poppers and flies. Love the tying tool kit. Has to make it so much easier.

Taking his latest creation out to the stream today.

James and Nicole and the kids are on the mend...and Lennon and his grand...still Covid Free- despite the fact is governor is an idiot.


John also doing some end-of-the-season fishing and checking in on our Duck Lovers.

She, a white Peking...unceremoniously dumped lakeside this Summer. 

He...a smitten Mallard.

And they have been inseparable for months now. 

Where ever she is...he is close behind. Even running other Mallards off.

"Hey you...get away from my woman!!!"


Duck Butts.

"Look honey, I found something delicious!"

The ladies at the Conservation Club are building her a snug box for winter...and we are all secretly wondering if he will abandon his wild ways and stay with her as the snow flies...or leave with the other wild ducks during migrating.

We're pulling for duck love.

We will see.

She will be lost if he migrates.

The early turn out of the election is looking good.

And gives me hope!

The Covid is still at plague proportions.

32 Million Globally infected, and closing in one 1 million deaths.

Many countries overseas including Europe already seeing the beginning of the second wave.

In the US we haven't even seen the end of the first one yet. This does not bode well...and many many will die when the second arrives.

Meanwhile, DeSantis has opened restaurants and bars in Florida to 100% capacity. could THAT possibly go wrong?


Stay Safe...

 Enjoy your Weekend!