Saturday, November 21, 2020

A Cup of Hot Chicken Soup...

 So...after last immune system said

"...hold my beer and watch THIS..."

Less than Covid...more than a cold or The Flu...the tired, achy, vomiting, fever-so-high you wake up at night with the sheets stuck to you...haven't had coffee in a week...crackers and Sprite...even the cat is alarmed...week.

Grateful that I didn't get Chris sick...who I was around the Thursday or Friday before this really dropped me.

Grateful for check in's by James and Lennon and "How are you doing, Mom?"  "Do you need anything?"

Grateful I am feeling a lot more human.

Really grateful that John was not here to catch this...and for his love and phone calls and even a care package of Sprite and Kleenex and bullion at the beginning of the week...and that our icicles have arrived!!!

Also the TREE,

So, anyway...I've lived...

Now to clean up the mess.

And the remainder of the boxes...

A Cinderella Day, here.

Lennon turned 32 yesterday!!!

Now the boys are 31, 32, and 33.

And no real movie or book this week...maybe next.

This big news is, of course, this:


Trump STILL hasn't conceded...

Which is just kind of pathetic in a desperate way...and was expected.

"Don't you people realize I will go to prison???"

Twitter has had to mark so many of his posts fraudulent this week they will probably be using this before long.


Biden has just been ignoring him and assembling his own Corona Virus people (experts and such...who would have thought??) and assembling his cabinet...and having pressers and Covid meetings.

Yeah, you know, like a REAL President does.

And with all the recounts we have gotten to see Trump lose Georgia, like, 3 times that's kind of satisfying...

Know what else is satisfying??

Not having to used the cursor to type anymore.

Yesterday, John sent a micro-keyboard and dongle he was no longer using.

(...and kudos to me for actually finally getting it all sorted and linked up to Linux, eventually...and a late night call exclaiming OMG, It is all synched up...)

Thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much, love!

Finally had my "...bird flu,,,bird flu..bird flu..." moment, this week.

Monday night...I was actually sick and coughing and feverish enough to think...

 "OMG...maybe this IS Covid."

And was pretty scary.

But, now...although I am quarantining...I am fairly convinced it may have just been an opportunistic bug after the exhaustion and stress of the previous week.

If it was Covid, it was very very mild.

Never lost my sense of smell, and no real respiratory distress aside from coughing fits.


is exploding around the globe.

We are adding well over a half million cases per day worldwide.

Over 58 Million active cases.

Over 1 Million and 300 thousand now dead.

Here in the US...the numbers have exploded, too...

From the 5th through yesterday we had stayed at a bit over 100,000 new cases per day...

Yesterday, we had 204,000 new cases and nearly 2000 deaths in one day!

The White House is a hotspot...who could have seen THAT coming, eh?

And most of us have hunkered down for the holidays.

The good news?

Pfizer and Moderna seem to be neck and neck with vaccine production.

Pfizer's attacks the RNA keeping the virus from replicating...and is done in a series of two jabs.

 Moderna builds antibodies.

(...can you take both of them????)

Both should be in widespread release by April...a light at the end of the Covid Tunnel.


Have a great weekend!