Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election 2020...live blog


"Okay..so Dad did...but we're on the same team!!!"

So here it is...election night...surrounded by Snacks, Bourbon Whiskey, and the early returns will begin in about 30 minutes.

It is going to be a long night.

It has been a long tense but optimistic day.

Several Federal judges to thank tonight...one in Texas who ruled against throwing out 250,000 mail in ballots and Judge Sullivan who insisted at the last moment that USPS do a clean sweep of their post offices and make sure EVERY ballot makes it to be counted. 

(...and do I really need to tell you which party wanted all these ballots tossed or marked too late to count...)

Yeah...when you have to suppress votes, intimidate people, file to stop ballots from being counted...you are ALREADY losing, okay???

Or as James Carville wryly stated this evening:

 "He's going to get his fat ass beat."



Currently, Amy McGrath holds a slight lead over McConnell...but the night has barely begun...

7 pm

More anon...



Indiana has predictably been called for Trump.

On a brighter note our Governor has won his re-election...and deserved it.

Vermont has been called for Biden.

Oklahoma and Kentucky have been called for Trump.

Maryland/DC/Delaware and Massachusetts  have all been called for Biden

At present Biden has 30 electoral votes to Trump's 26.

With 10% in they are neck and neck nationally.

 McConnell is up in Kentucky with 37%  of the vote in...not a good sign.

In South Carolina Harrison has a 54% lead for now with 5% of the vote in. I'm hopeful. Would like to see Graham lose this one. 


Okay...it is 9PM


Let's see where we are at...

Biden has won New York.

Trump has won West Virginia and Tennessee. 

The nationwide Electoral Count is Biden 73 to Trump 42

(for now)

Biden is doing well in Ohio at this time.

Graham has taken the lead over Harrison for SC at this time with 21% in.

And me????

Well I am stress eating...need more needles...and back to the gang on Twitter...until ten.

  More then...

And it is 10 PM

But it feels like a month has passed...

It may be all the stress-eating. I'm just saying.

Just mixed 2 mini packs of plain m&ms into a bowl of plain salty potato chips...

don't judge me...

Let's see what has happened.

The projection is for Trump to win South Carolina.

Trump won Alabama.

Trump has won North Dakota favorite in North Carolina but no call yet.

Graham is still ahead over Harrison in South Carolina.

Colorado is a win for Biden and we have flipped our first senate seat!!!

Goodbye Gardner...Hello Hickenlooper!

We have already gained 5 House Seats and will retain the House!!!

Trump has won North Dakota.

Biden has won Connecticut.

Trump has won South Dakota.

The numbers so far do not bear out the landslide that either side had hoped for with the usual states falling into party lines...


In  Maine Susan Collins has a small lead over Sara Gideon at this time.

The electoral votes nationally are 89 Biden to 72 Trump

More as it comes...



The chocolate and potato chips are gone. No more snacks for me tonight.

Salad tomorrow to atone. 

Trump has won Wyoming.

Biden has won Washington State.

Biden won Oregon.

Biden won California.

Biden won Illinois.

Trump won Missouri and Kansas.

Biden has won New Hampshire

Trump has won Utah.

Biden won New Mexico.

The nationwide electoral votes Biden 192 and Trump 108

So Biden still needs 78 to  win.

Trump needs 162 to win.

And still 22 states to go...and 201 electoral votes left to get.


Back to Twitter for another hour...


It is Midnight...and just got off with our middle son in Florida who called me...and is just as political junkie as I am...

We lamented Matt "Florida's Most Punchable Face" Gaetz's re-election. And the overall lack of decency and humanity that the closeness of this election has caused us to admit/see/recognize. And McConnell's win...WTH???

Instead of the landslide we both hoped would happen to somehow restore our jaded faith in humanity.

It was not to be.

Trump had won Idaho and is projected to win Ohio.

 Biden is projected to win Virginia.

 Trump won Mississippi.

Biden is projected to win Arizona and we flipped another Senate seat with Mark Kelly!!!

Nationally, the electoral votes are Biden 205 to Trump 136.

 It takes 270 to win.

Biden still needs 65.

Trump still needs  134

There are 164 electoral votes left. 

Trump's pathway just got much narrower...he would nearly have to win all of the available states left.

Which seems unlikely at best.

And it is 1 AM....omg...and probably my last update for tonight!

Trump is projected to win Iowa.

Trump is projected to win Florida.

Biden has won Minnesota.

Trump won Texas.

Nebraska is split.

The states left in play are

Nevada  6 electoral votes

Alaska 3

Wisconsin 10

Michigan  16

Pennsylvania 20

North Carolina 15

Georgia  16

Biden has 223 electoral votes.  Trump has 212


Joe needs 47 more to win.

Donald needs 58.

 Senate seats are now 47-47.


Tighter than I ever dreamed possible...but there are many of the states that are only projected...and a lot of ballots out to be counted.


Anybody's win.


Tomorrow is another day...I must drop.