Sunday, November 15, 2020

What A Week...

 If this week was a chicken...

Slowly recovering.

Slowly, being the operative word my keyboard also took a dump, so having to peck this out using a screen and cursor.

 Chris saved me...couldn't even get into my computer.

[...and that might be why they call it a curse-or..]

The good news?   

The pantry and vanity arrived, and are installed.

Now only the stove, fridge, and some touch-up paint remains.

But just frazzled.

And still enjoying the bare newness of my counter-tops. I may keep this minimalist look for a while.

Still a few boxes to unpack.

Trump has yet to concede, but he did acknowledge that Biden has I guess that IS progress.

And Covid exploding in the US this week...  

with Friday's 187,000 new cases in one day being an all time high.

Noting that since November 5th, we have added over 100,000 cases every day...

When the deaths catch up, this winter will be brutal.

4 out of every 100 will die.

Not an alarmist...just math.

This week's movie-

The cinematography was outstanding.

The scenery breath-taking.

The sets, costuming, props well as the storyline.

So why did I find this remake to live action lacking?

I honestly preferred the animated film.

Your results may vary....


This week's book-

The latest Grisham novel- set once again in Clanton.

Revisit Jake, Judge Noose, Harry Rex and many others we came to know from

A Time To Kill

Never read it? 

No matter...this book stands alone nicely!  

Great read.  


Apple pie baking and house to arrange...

More Anon