Saturday, August 7, 2021

University Man...John and The Grands and Great-Grands...Dreadlocks and More


Two of John's great-grandlings...Mia and Lily.

A whirlwind visit with the whole fam-damily including kids and spouses...grands and great grands.


This is why we don't have children at our takes days to recuperate!

Still they managed to plunder the State Fair and the Children's Museum...and a goodbye breakfast together.

My youngest just finished his first week employed as a University Man!

No private office yet...but a desk!

", I've reset your password to OmgYouAreSoFuckingAnnoying can you remember THAT???"

It is a good fit and he is loving it!

The guys have been doing a lot of fishing in this beautiful weather...and his son managed to land a nice Flathead catfish.


Nicole has sported a new look with dreadlocks!!!

Assuming they are extensions, after KB told me

"She boiled them to make them softer."

Can't wait to see!

We are all getting together for brunch after the back-to-school rush subsides.

My week has been spent de-cluttering and cleaning. Making some real progress.

Where does it all come from???

Also learned this week that I can use ANY muffin mix (...Strawberry...Blueberry...Cinnamon-Apple...) with my baking doughnut pan.


Just need to add a tablespoon of oil to the batter.

So yes...when we run away for Loretta's Birthday this month...there will be fresh doughnuts-to-go.

This week's movie

 A 1998 Action/Thriller I had missed.

Morgan Freeman, Christian Slater, Ed Asner, Randy Quaid, Minnie Driver, and Betty White line up this flood/robbery edge-of-your-seater as the dam breaks.

White's character adds some much needed comic relief as the ever-nagging and delightfully funny wife to Henry (the hen-pecked husband) and one of the funniest lines in the film when Quaid's character reminds him

"Remember, God will understand if you drown her in the basement, Henry."

Morgan Freeman plays an to me...type of character in this as well. 

Worth a watch!

Heading out for a bask and some weeding before Monday's rain comes. Baked Strawberry Cream Doughnuts for the weekend...and have a fat hen to roast tomorrow with veggies...then it is back to reclaiming my room.

John has been making amazing progress on his place...and Gadget has now laid claim to the living room!

 "Mine...all mine."
