Saturday, September 11, 2021

Football Season....The 60's...and a Cinderella Saturday


Football has returned!

Stayed up Thursday Night to watch the first Season Game...The Buccaneers vs The Cowboys...shared with John at our respective homes...him phoning just before the phoning at halftime...him phoning after the game...and our recaps and good-nights.

Despite multiple flags and calls...and a few missed ones...despite the fact there were multiple interceptions and turnovers and fumbles (both sides)...despite the fact that Zeke took most of the game before he could make a field goal...and at one try even hit an was still one hell of a game!

Everyone (both sides) looked in fine form.

Brady and Gronk were...well..Brady and Gronk...and at 44, Tom still taught the Cowboys that he is THE CLOSER....and you can never leave the ball in his hands with 1:24 on the clock.

The Buccs used this sliver of time to make the field goal range...and kick...score...and WIN.

I learned a couple of good lessons myself.

1. Always have popcorn on hand for the you don't end up looking around for snacks at half-time and baking brownies.

2. I have gotten much too old for Thursday Late Night Football...Friday was pretty much a lost day for me!

Too old.  If the 50's was a decade of expanding, self-improvement and discovery...then the 60's is certainly turning out to be my decade of Reflection.

About everything.

Life, Love, The Kids, Relationships in General, Friends, Living and Death.

My manuscript, The Road Home, has taken some odd philosophical twists and turns, of late.

Found myself realizing the other day, that I now know more people (friends, lovers and family) who have died than those currently alive.  

That is sobering.

And added another quote to my (Warhol) motto:  Try Everything I am somewhere between 60 and The Big Dirt Nap...and I'm okay with that.

Life is good.

Today, started out with Coffee and Fresh Baked Raspberry Pie...and Morning Chat with John...and it promises to be a 100% Cinderella Day for both of us.

There is laundry to do, dishes needing washed, dusting to attend to, trash to be gathered...and chili to be cooked.

All in preparation for tomorrow...when life is narrowed down to FOOTBALL and FOOD. 

The Colts first season game is against The Sea Hawks at 1 PM.

At 4:25 The Chiefs play The Browns.

Since Drew has left The Saints, I have pretty much replaced them with Kansas City and Mahomes is my QB.

I do love that Brees is now a NBC Commentator!

This Week's Movie:

 Loosely based on the actual story of Amanda Knox...this was a good role and stretch of acting skills by Matt Damon.

When his incarcerated daughter gets angry and turns against is easy to empathize with this crushed screw-up of a father who is just trying to be there for her, now.

The slow twist and reveal by the end of the movie made its dragging pace forgivable.

Not the best I've seen for awhile...but certainly worth the time.

The Book:

Finally finished the 1025 page tome this week.

It is not hyperbole to say that King's work just gets better and better!

The story is the age old hit man on a final job scenario.

The LAST hit.

(...and you know they NEVER go well...)

This one is, of course, no exception.

The exception is the way that King tells the story.

This book is literally stories upon stories.

An onion.

And before it is will make you cry.

Summers is a conscientious hit man.

"I only kill bad people."

All of the many many characters in this novel are well fleshed the end we feel like we know them personally. 

We care.

The good guys aren't always good.

The bad guys aren't always bad. 

Sometimes you get a happy ending.

Sometimes you don't.

And sometimes...most make your own.

If you love King...this is a must-read!

Now it is back to Cinderella-ing....

Enjoy the Weekend!