Sunday, September 26, 2021



This week reminded me how it can all change in a heartbeat.

My friend, Brenda, who beat cancer years back...has found herself symptomatic again. She also had five falls in the past week and a half. 

Suddenly the days were filled with doctors...tests...MRI's...fear and tears.

Hours up at the hospital and conversations about mortality...death...and what will happen with my dog???

And my assurance we WILL get through matter what comes...and I will be there whenever she needs me. Because that is what friends are all about.

Being there.

Beyond exhausted this weekend. 

Fixing the first pot of pinto beans and cornbread of the season....and a pumpkin pie. Arranging a vase of sunflowers.

Today is all about comfort food and football.

Monday, we will start again.
