Monday, September 20, 2021




There is such a thing as TOO much football!!!

Recovering from Sundays games.

Food and football from 1:00 PM to 11:30 PM.

First up was the Colts-Rams Game

Where we battled valiantly...but lost.

And the o-line has to start doing a better job of protecting Wentz...who hobbled off the field, injured, at the end.

Mid-Day was the Falcon-Buccaneer Game.

 Brady is still beastly at 44.

It was sad, because by the 3rd quarter the Falcons were briefly up by 3...and actually had hope.

Poor deluded fools.

In the 4th Quarter it would be snatched away... and Brady did what Brady does best...beat them like a rented mule.

And looked good while he was doing it.   

He kept piling on points...even after it was obvious they had lost.

The late game was the Ravens and the Chiefs.

A truly amazing game with both teams well matched.

The score would ping-pong back and forth all night.

Staying tied for most of the game.

With 3 minutes left on the clock and possession was seemed a done deal, but...a fumble cost us the game...losing by 1 point. 

Jesus Wept.

And I think Andy Reid actually cursed.


Waking this morning at OMG...10:30...fuzzy...confusing the cat...and probably wouldn't have woke up, then, if John had not called!

We had shared all three we do...his calling me calling him at half-time and him calling me back when the game ends.  It was a long Sunday.

Football may be the death of

Today, promises to be a very slow day.


Enjoyed a Saturday Sisters Day with Tina and Lisa...and we ordered in a KFC Brunch...and I fixed a hot apple pie and vanilla bean ice cream for afters.

Our cousin posted a photo of all of us...much much younger...I should add.

Tina...(our bio-mom Jan)...and Lisa.

We were so young.

We are all over 50/60 now.

"Don't Blink" 

 ( the country song says...)

Caught up with my boys on Sunday, too...all who are healthy and happy.

This Week's Movie:

And Jackman was perfectly cast for this role.

He is such an understated actor.

Can convey great happiness (or great grief) with little more than a look.

This takes place after climate change has flooded the coastal cities. The Barons (affluent) have walled off inner areas leaving the sunken coastal areas to fend for themselves/drown.

Jackman's character has carved out a niche business for himself as a "Keeper of Memories". Using a submersion tank and headgear he can create a VR of your best/fondest memories. Since the world is fairly bleak for those that live in the submersed city...the idea of going back to better times is a good business.

The SHE comes into his life.

Plenty of twists...turns and reveals.

Well worth the 2+ hours.

The Book (Books) this Week:


Both of which I own and try to do a slow chapter by chapter re-read, yearly.

So much wisdom packed in two small books...that speak to you differently given what stage you are your life.

I recommend buying both and trying it yourself.

Now to finish my delivered gyro and chips...and make some sense of this house.



"Hi, Mom! I'm hiding from Dad....shhhhhh"

                                                                                - Gadget


                                 "Dispense with the Pleasantries...and FEED ME."
