Saturday, April 9, 2022

Ukraine...Stepan...Justice Jackson...and Morbious


New Holland Bulbs...especially developed to commemorate Ukraine.

 It has been a progressive, but rough, week in the Russian Invasion. A lot of towns have been reclaimed by the Ukrainian troops...but with this has been much sadness.

 The discovery of civilian massacres...torture...mass graves...and devastation. Zelenskyy appears to have aged 30 years in 40+ days. 


Fighting seems to have moved to the Donbas region now.

Horrified to see what comes out of Maripol.

A train station packed with fleeing people trying to evacuate yesterday...last count 52 dead and 98 wounded badly...some missing arms and legs. 

"For the Children" painted in Russian on the side of the casing.

Suddenly my empathy for the Russian conscripts who entrenched in the Chernobyl hot-spot is gone.

Or as a Ukrainian Grandma put it

"Here...have a nice slice of pie."

And with her poisoned pies she managed to kill 8 Russian soldiers.


Even the Grandmas here are bad-assed.

Ukrainian cats have been making headlines, too...

From Stepan who is now evacuated and entered into a major award contest...

Which, if won, the proceeds go directly to Ukraine.

To a variety of badass cats found amidst the death and rubble...

and THIS GUY...

Who does not look afraid...or traumatized...but severely pissed off and ready to kick Russian ass and take names!

"Just LOOK what you've done to my house!!!!"

Watched history being made this week...

 With the confirmation of Justice Jackson!

Three Republicans (Romney, Collins and Murkowski) crossing party lines along with all 50 Democrats to make this happen.

Gives me hope.

And speaking of hope-

An IM from Nicole this morning...assuring me I will be able to see Emma and Aiden despite the impending divorce.

I have been so worried about my grandchildren through the split.

This week's movie:

Jared Leto at his very best.

(...watched it twice...)

Completely makes up for his performance in House of Gucci.

His crystal blue eyes and dark sharp features give him an other-worldly look long before his transformation.

Not War and is a vampyrish movie for godsake...but good storyline...excellent acting...nice special effects.

Definitely worth your time!

Completely a Cinderella Saturday, here. Wash me..scrub me...dust me...declutter me.

Have a Great Weekend!