Sunday, April 24, 2022

Virtual China: Qinghai Cuisine "Scorpion Tail"


It has been difficult to find something I wanted to try from this area. Most  of the food is based on entrails and vegetables. 

Not in a good way.

Finally decided on Chen-Mahua (Scorpion Tails) which is actually a twisted fried bread which can be made sweet or savory.

This is a street food found almost entirely in Qinghai.

The name was derived from an infestation of actual scorpions here years and years back.


The bread twists are usually thin and twisted three times before dropping into the boiling oil.

Mine is a little thick.

When done they are crunchy and give a satisfying crack when bitten.

(...during the infestation...the crack was said to scare the scorpions away...)

Yeah...I'm not so sure about all that.

Tasty...and satisfying...and nothing to do with entrails.

Next time we will discover Sichaun.

Until then.