Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Sisters Day...4th of July...Finnegan...and The Bears are Back


Sent by my friend, Dave, who lives in the UK and is apparently still miffed about the whole colonies

An insane week that turned out lovely.

Punctuated by the smoke from the Canadian fires...

which managed to give up that post-apocalyptic sky resembling Tattooine and an extreme air warning.

 Then the storms came.


As in "Yeah...I'm pretty sure we are all going to fucking die."

And my guy...who went biking on the edge of one of the major downpours...and didn't quite make it in before the rain started.

He couldn't have ended up much wetter if he stood in the shower fully clothed.

...sorry, was a little funny...

But we survived!

The sun came back...the rain cleared the smoke.

John biked his personal best (...13+miles...) for the season.

And I got my cat.

Presenting Finnegan...formerly Roof-Kitty (the feral)

Finn is proof that we don't choose cats...they pick us.

...and there is nothing sadder than a Crazy Cat Lady without a cat...

Although I had watched Finnegan over the years grow from a scrappy feral kitten to a beautiful but completely wild cat nothing could have prepared me for June 30th...when he came right up to my door...for the first time in 7 years.

"Heard you had an opening."

At first he was very nervous...flinching when I even moved.

I made the mistake when he came close of trying to touch him.

He rewarded me with a hard swat (...claws out...) drawing blood.

"We don't DO that."

and ran to the sidewalk to contemplate the whole business.

Then he came if to say "Let's try this again."

This time I just let my hand dangle down and let him make the overtures. It worked much better. After he had head-bonked it a few times I scritched him  behind the ears...then under the chin.

"Ohhh...that's wonderful!"


Long story short...he kneads and purrs...still freaks out a little if you move too fast around him...but he is mine, now.

...or perhaps I am his...

And I am with Cat.

...happy happy joy joy...

 My sisters and I celebrated the 4th early with a BBQ and root-beer floats...and they got to meet Finn. It was wonderful!

John and I spent the 4th together...with Burgers and a little shopping...and even a bit of gardening

...the hummingbirds love you and thanks for beheading that pesky mulberry that keeps popping up through my Bayberry bush...

YOU are wonderful! 

and later


We ascertained that the pepper plant was NOT a chili pepper...but instead a banana pepper plant (see below)  

and that it must have been mis-tagged.

...pepper plants all look the same before they bear fruit...

I see Italian Roast Beef Sandwiches in out future.

And the bears are back at Katmai.

Also the salmon.

 I've seen 747 (above), also 856, and 901 (who has triplets this year...and they are so cute!!!)

Waiting on Otis...who has not been seen yet...but it is early.

The salmon are back and just starting to run.

Have a Great Week!


Carla and Finnegan


"Tabbies are the very BEST"

                        Mr. Wilson