Friday, February 9, 2018

And then it was FRIDAY!!!

Home: Where it may not be SPRING yet...but the forced bulbs think it might be.

I love forcing bulbs. Do it every year. Which is odd because I have pollen just before they bloom I have to pre-medicate with  antihistamines. It's worth it for the early color and smell of springtime.

Bulbs so wonderfully self contained. Everything they need to grow and bloom in one tightly wrapped package...and so happily unaware- stick them in the produce drawer of your refrigerator for a few weeks...bring them out and put them in a shallow bowl or cup supported by pebbles and keep watered...and's Spring!

I'm not the only Happy Camper this week, though...

Chris, who is beginning his Cisco Training, bought and assembled a rack, router and servers for his hands-on skills.

My GSC Connection showed up!

Working on the editing and first re-write of (last's year's) fiction novella:The Plan.  Slow. Tedious. Not very interesting aspect of writing. As Hemingway used to say:

Write DRUNK.

Edit Sober.

Saw this the other day...and every fibre of my body screamed


The Snoopy's Winter I have embarked on with Jill is going slowly for me...she OTOH is doing great!  With acrylics (as opposed to watercolours) I learned quickly that any blending/wash effect (like the pinkish red and violet lower band of the sky...has to be done in layers. Otherwise you end up with this bleah...grayish band that you have to stop...wait for it to dry...then fix before you continue.

Life (and painting) just one huge Learning!

Here is the snowy hill anyway...more as it comes together.

And the beginning of Jill's watercolour.

With the acrylics I will have to layer Snoopy and the doghouse in last...but will be starting the starry night stars shortly.

Joined Chris and Tina's phone plan and never have to buy pre-paid minute cards again!!! Thanks, kids!

My prior clamshell phone so old that the kid registering the new one would not believe it was from a time before all cell phones were registered...

"No really...way back in the early 2000's these were known as burners...kid."

It was no help. In the early 2000's he was, like, maybe two.  No context at all.

Love the new phone, though. Even have that constant access to a photo and video, now.

Yeah yeah...I know

"You kids get off my lawn!"

The wake-up alarm may be a bit problematic. 

My old wake-up alarm was like The Ride of The Valkyries...absolutely no way anyone could ignore or sleep through it. Even Shelby-Cat recognized it as The Time to Get the Hell up Music.

This new phone.

Not so much.

This morning it went off at 6:30 AM

"beep beep...beep beep...I don't mean to bother you but if it wouldn't be too much of a bother please wake up..."

In a quiet apologetic tone.

To which I rolled over and snarled

"Piss OFF"

So it did. 
And I woke back up at rushing to make my morning transit.

Maybe assertive alarm training...or another ringtone is the answer.

Now it is time for

With a Government so dysfunctional it is hard to keep track of them.

Trump who actively sought several deferments of his own to keep from serving in Vietnam (and earning him the nickname Cadet Bone Spurs from Duckworth...which was pretty damned funny) has been watching Kim Jong Un just a little too much, I insisting

"I WANT a huge Military Parade, too!!!!"


Or as our Middle yelled recently


And Rob  "I beat women" Porter resigned this week after photos of his beaten ex-wives surfaced...

and then General John Kelly threw away the last trappings of any semblance of decency and credibility by coming out to quickly DEFEND Porter.


How does THAT work?

"I heard she was a real mouthy bitch and she wouldn't bring him a sammich and beer."

(no...that is NOT what he said...but it might as well been)

And the Goverment was shut down once again over the budget bill...this time for 8 hours and change.

But then both sides in a rare display of enlightened self interest said

"Holy Fuck...the STOCK MARKET is tanking!!!!"

So they voted on the budget and opened it again.

And DACA still hasn't been put to a vote.

Trump refused to read the rebuttal memo (re-FBI) from the Democrats because it was 10 pages, and too he had Kelly summarize it for him...which means there is NFW that he came close to reading the 600+ page budget bill then. Not even with Cliff Notes.

And Paul "I don't get sarcasm" Ryan touted how one school teacher already was so happy to get 1.50 extra on her check each week as it would pay her fees to Costco...

And the rest of us ripped him mercilessly because he really didn't get it.

But the bright shining spot of this political week took place in Missouri...during their Special Election...a deep red state that was flipped Blue...much like Alabama.

As a large BLUE WAVE crashed down around the form of The Resistance!

Way to VOTE, everybody!

We Can Do This!


More anon...