Saturday, January 12, 2019

Brunch with Amelia Rose...Let it SNOW...Sofi Update and More

Sofi's First Mouse...

Yes...she killed it dead. 

Thought she was sleeping quietly beside the computer with me...until the cursor stopped moving. Then discovered she had been gnawing away on the thin cord the whole time.

"Bad Kitty" ~Shelby

" got her ATTENTION" ~Sofi


Started the week out with my DIL, Youngest Grandson and Honorary Great-Grand Amelia Rose.

Such delightful ages (3 and 4)

And a wonderful afternoon.

Got some bad news later in the week. 

Sofi-Kitten has been having a problem with her bowels for some time. I thought it had to do with what she was eating and did several no avail. Specifically she has about 4 good days (no trouble at all) then she explodes...and has a pasty butt on the 5th day. All day. A constant dribble of feces.

The vet has tentatively diagnosed her with Manx Syndrome. Is is a form of spinal bifida seen in Manx kittens and can range from total paralysis of the back Mega Colon...constant incontinence and no sphincter control...or a partial combination of any of the above.

It reveals itself most commonly in Rumpies (which she is)

Study on Manx Syndrome

There is no cure.

The good news is that it is not her problems will not get worse...except maybe arthritis in the missing spaces between vertebrates.

The bad news is forever.

In some ways she is fortunate. If she had been a Manx Breeders kitten they would have recognized what was happening and she would have been immediately euthanized.

It was suggested as a course of action to me.

The surgery that might correct the Megacolon issue itself costs between $2000-$5,000 dollars...

"I think I could buy an actual live tiger cub for that!"

And there are no guarantees that she would live through it.

 Megacolon in a Manx

By evening I had researched her condition pretty thoroughly and was in contact through various Manx Boards with others who had Manx Syndrome Fur Babies.
Some in much much worse shape than Sofi. A couple whose hindquarters were completely paralyzed yet still played and purred and despite their myriad of special needs seemed to have fairly good happy lives.

And I picked up so many tips.

I was referred at one point to this site

Who makes custom to your cat fitted diapers and covers to keep them on.

and more immediate fixes...

Which is how I ended up at Sprawlmart in the Preemie Baby section.

For crate pads in case of the impending explosion (night) and Huggie's Preemie diapers (tiny) and onesies to hold them in place on the messy day.

As someone who never even dressed up my cats as a child...well...the trial  run on a  non-messy day was...let's just say...challenging.  A lot of growling and biting involved. She was not amused!

But she eventually calmed down.


And since she is is much easier, I would suppose.

By later, she had completely relaxed and fell asleep.

So I am tentatively claiming it as a success. We will know in a few days when she explodes again. 

The rest of the time she can just run around like a normal kitten. And if you come over and she has a sleeper and diaper on...well, at least she won't slime you...or be leaving spots everywhere.

Even if I am back to diaper-duty occasionally at pushing 60...

She is totally worth it.

I've been waiting for it to act like WINTER...

And last night's Doppler Radar did not disappoint.

Woke this morning to a Winter Wonderland, with more on the way.

Very happy!

John and I abdicating our midweek getaway, and just going to combine it with our SB Party and Getaway.


Both of us waiting with bated breath for today's game

Dearest mother — My time away from home shall be extended. The unit was victorious over the Texan men. Stupendous! It was a hard fought battle, but our lines held strong. I am so thrilled, my pen trembles as I write. My sidearm and resolve are true. I love you. — Andrew

Dearest mother — Our victory frolicking has ceased. We must now begin our march to Kansas City to battle a unit of such great stature, every member has been granted the title of Chief. Our path has been long and winding, but I have never seen the men’s spirits higher. — Andrew

Dearest mother — I have received your care package of braised pigeon shins and fresh Squirrel Oil. By way of Chief trickery, the unit lost a day’s travel after reaching Lawrence only to discover Kansas City is actually in Missouri. No bother. Our focus remains unfazed. — Andrew

Dearest mother — I write you as snow falls. The camp has settled down. The men are reflecting on the most meaningful moments of the campaign. They are as humble as they are grateful. Tomorrow shall be our most significant battle yet. We are ready for a fight. I love you. — Andrew

Only a handful of teams left standing and two games between us and the Superbowl.

This one and the next.

Obviously, we want a Colts Victory...but even if Mahomes pulls it off and The Chiefs win this one...we have had one hell of a season...

Popcorn at the ready and cannot wait until 4:30...

Update after the Game!

Go Colts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be Mahomes first PLAYOFF GAME....ever.

UPDATE:  Dearest mother — It is with a heavy heart I inform you our campaign has ended. Our unit fell to the Chiefs on a snowy battlefield. While disappointed, I am extremely proud of all our accomplishments week after week, day after day, fight after fight. I shall see you soon. — Andrew was bad. We lost 31 to 13. The season is over for us. Hoping that either The New Orleans Saints or The Chiefs make it to the SB. now.  sigh.

The Chiefs did a great job and deserved the win,

It would be nice to see Mahomes make the SB at such a young age,  this kid has nowhere to go but up!

Revisited a movie from 2010

This Week's Movie:

With an over the top performance from Vanessa Redgrave as an older woman who has left her Letter to Guilietta fifty years previously.

Amanda Seyfried's character discovers the hidden letter...and the two accompanied by her grandson set off through the Tuscan Countryside in search of her once beloved Lorenzo.

Just a great feel-good romantic comedy!

Try might love it!

Still waiting more or less patiently in queue for Michelle Obama's new book.

and our government is STILL shut down.

22 Days now...surpassing the longest shut down ever...on President Clinton's Watch...also precipitated by the GOP.

The House Democrats have passed 3 bills to fund and reopen the government  and Mitch McConnell (Senate Majority Leader) has refused to let ANY of them come to the Senate Floor for a vote.

What the actual fuck.

Trump had his "...let them eat cake..." moment this week when he said

"They will adjust...hold garage sales or pawn things"


You giant orange wankmaggot.

Watching the FBI's counter-intelligence move right now...which was apparently launched just after he fired Comey. So there is that.

Schumer asked Trump why he wouldn't let the budget be passed and the shutdown ended...told him people were hurting because of it- and his response

"Because you won't give me what I want..."

(the wall)

Proud of Pelosi and Schumer for not giving into this spoiled, tantrum throwing trust fund child who obviously hasn't been told "NO" many times in  his life.

If you throw yourself kicking and screaming in the middle of the floor while shopping...don't expect a toy when you go out the door.  Okay?

Remember if you are a parent of a toddler or are keeping a narcissistic politician at bay...and you will see these fits for the rest of your life.

True Story.

Slow Wintry Saturday here...finishing up a few chores, then a nice pre-game nap!

Have a Peaceful Weekend.

More Anon...