Saturday, January 4, 2014

The First Week's Cup

Spent last night relaxing in the last dim glow of the Christmas tree.

Today it is time to "undeck" the halls and snuggle everything back into boxes until next December.  Truth be told I love the decorations and glow and would gladly keep them up until Spring...but January and February are my cleaning and organizing it is "back-in-the-box" till next year.

My " Spring Cleaning" always occurs far before Spring proper. Too many lovely things to enjoy in Spring to spend it polishing and vacuuming and tossing. And as minimalist as I've become it is unreal what accumulates in a year...both in real clutter and cyber. Toying with a series of "In Ten Days" articles to submit to the glossies throughout the year...and maybe put together later in book form later.

Through the sub-zero temps Tucker hasn't strayed much further than rushing out to do his business and then velcro himself to the back of the sofa.
And the warmer it gets inside the more he stretches spreading butter. Liquid kitty.

Hosted the first brunch of the year yesterday...fixing Greek Chicken and Potatoes...Salad with Crumbled Feta...Turkish Coffee and Greek Yoghurt with Honey and Walnuts for afters.  Also traded skill sets with Loretta who is teaching me about fashion/style and I am teaching her how to use a computer.

With her nodding enthusiastically and self-satisfied about my  new caramel slouch boots and crinkle scarves and how well they went with the birthday "Nicole" bag. Accessorize her battle cry.

"Let me see your jewellery, honey." 

( aren't kidding...are you?)

She showed up with her new Michael Kors from then overjoyed as she made her first online purchase yesterday...opening up a new cyber-world of shopping for her (...which I sometimes suspect was the actual reason behind her learning to use a computer anyway...)  Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? I am acquiring fashion sense...and she just bought an Italian Espresso press. From Italy.  @@  

(shaking my head)

Writing goals for winter. 3 pages a day five days a week (including editing). So far so good.
May finish the Zen series sooner than I expect.
 In a queue for the latest Dan Brown Novel and a new offering from Sue Monk Kidd.
 The books of this week taking a decidedly Non-Fiction turn with a pair of (new) technical writing discoveries. "Still Writing: The Perils and Pleasures of a Creative Life" by Dani Shapiro...and "Handling the Truth: On the writing of Memoir" by Beth Kephart. The latter proving very informational/helpful with my second novel I am working on (memoir) entitled "The Ashes".

So...snow on the ground...Tucker curled up on a chair snoring loudly...and cocoa in hand...this tree isn't goiing to untrim itself!

Have a Wonderful Weekend. 
I'll be busy organizing and writing...and trying to find those earrings Loretta!

Oh and thinking about STYLE...had to share a picture (shared by Carol) of the latest and greatest Challenger. 2014...Flamed and Full Blown!

                                     Is this a "sexy beast" or what???

                                              Best flame job- ever.