Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Future...Our Future...and a Moment of Zen came yesterday.  The Future.  And while we don't have flying DeLoreans...we do have the Terrefugia

  Tony Hawk has tried out the Hoverboard.

And, it seems appropriate that Michael J. Fox got the first pair of (real) self tying shoes.

All three proving that if it can be can BECOME.

Remember when retinal scanners...fingerprint ID technology...voice commanded computers...three D Movies...and teleconferencing/Skype were just concepts in a science-fiction movie as well?

Dare to DREAM.
Think outside of the BOX!

Which dove-tails nicely with my next subject: The Future.


I am not sure when we became such a nation of whiners...and blamers, and "We can't do..." people, but it has to STOP.


I suspect this may be a post-Reagan phenomena...but I digress.

Together we can accomplish anything. We just have to start believing in Ourselves (as a Nation) again. We need to espouse the ideas that made this country great.

Out of Many...ONE.

We need to stop digging for our differences and instead embrace our similarities.

And we need to stop (literally) supporting a government and representatives who have long lost sight of  "We the PEOPLE" and whose loyalties lie with Corporate Overlords, Super Pacs, and Special Interest Groups.

I am tired of being told "We can't do that."  when the conversation turns to Universal Healthcare or College Education. Ironically, by the very people that never have to worry about seeing a doctor through their Federally funded (read OUR TAXES) healthcare programs...or never batted an eye at growing college expenses.

As Hillary Clinton pointed out in the debates  "This is not Denmark" certainly isn't. In Denmark they have had Universal Healthcare for ages, also livable wages, paid family leave, Fully funded colleges, and they invest in their Infrastructure (before it collapses).

We could learn A LOT from Denmark...and many of the other civilized Nations.

As a Nation....we are so very young...and yet we approach the situation like a mouthy teenager.

We act like we know EVERYTHING there is to know in the entire WORLD...and we certainly don't want any of the OLDER civilizations (or those with a system that actually works) to teach us a damn thing...thankyouverymuch.

And those who naysay against the Scandinavian model aren't doing so because it doesn't work or is a failed program. Actually, it is very successful. They rail against it because they KNOW if it were implemented here it would effectively end their gluttonous feed they have come to enjoy at The Trough of America.

While most of the Global Community is working on how to adapt to/survive/slow Climate Change (Global Warming) many of us (here) are still arguing whether or not it exists.


My glimmer of hope.

A Geriatric Jew from Brooklyn.

Bernie has touched a nerve with the American People.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media is shoving Trump and Clinton down our throats like we are Linda Lovelace at a Convention.

Both, of whom, are being shunned by the sentient members of their respective parties. 

Which is another reason I have great hope for Bernie.

He is crossing all party lines.  Democrats, Moderate Republicans, Independents. Old and Young, All Religions and Races.  All gathered for a "Purple Revolution".

We were told that Barack Obama was "unelectable"...and yet he was elected in a landslide...TWICE.

Despite being blocked at every turn...sometimes even by his own party...we managed to change a great many things.

The Lily Ledbetter Act.

Same Sex Marriage in all 50 States.


Being brought back from a Recession that was sliding into a Depression to rival The Great Depression.

to name a few...

Imagine what could have been accomplished if we worked together instead of fighting each other at every turn. If the tax dollars used for fighting one another were spent on US.

Imagine what our Nation could BECOME if we invested as heavily in our own people/care/infrastructure as we do our Military and Pentagon.

We recently air-lifted 50 tons of weapons into Syria.  Can you imagine what 50 tons of weapons even costs...much less the ability to air-lift and drop them. Now can you understand that our TAXES paid for those weapons.  For all my anti-abortion friends...why do you oppose federal funding for abortions...but have no problem with your tax dollars being spent in this manner? Isn't this the equivalent of aborting someone in the 200+ trimester?


What do you think they are going to do with those weapons, anyway?

(...not JUST the Republicans, I might add...)

Maybe it is time we stop and divide the pie a little more equitably. 

Our Military Budget equals roughly 57 cents out of every tax dollar. Everything else is squeezed out of the remaining 43 cents.  And that is a hell of a lot of everything else. Yet somehow, a great deal of us have been brainwashed into believing that the single mom or dad down the street...the homeless guy on the corner...the unemployed woman or man who was downsized...the elderly on Social Security or the Disabled
                              THESE are the enemy.


People, this is called "Creating a Scapegoat".

If THEY can divert your anger and attention to the marginal....the powerless...the infirm...anyone "different"...

They can continue picking your pocket and playing on tax-payer expensed yachts while Grandma eats cat-food, Grandpa put off his hip-replacement, and Little Sally dies because she couldn't afford medical care.

Just sayin'

Pay Attention.


Spent the first part of this week like this.  Just one of those mind-numbing, soul crushing funks that feels like it is never going to end. No light at either end of the tunnel. Dealing with a personal mess so insane...if they made a movie about it...people would say "No way" and "Unrealistic"...and to be honest, it feels that way to me, too.

(...and no...I don't want to talk about it, yet...okay?)

And this too, shall pass.

But not today.

Or maybe today.

Maybe today is the perfect time. 

Looking back at Monday through Wednesday and realized that I completely wasted 3 irreplaceable days of what is left of my life.
72 hours gone.

Devastated to the point of immobility. And those who know me...know that is so NOT me.   
            Not at all. 

So today I am going to spend cleaning...and sorting...and outside a while basking in the Fall colors/smells/crisp air...

And I am GOING to Center.

And I am going to get past this. 
