Thursday, February 11, 2016

New Hampshire Win...The Tao of Spring Cleaning...and the Surrender of the Bundy Bunch

Mainstream Media.

So you're all looking around yourselves now, eh?  60.4% in New Hampshire and over 5 million in donations immediately that night...once the results were in.

And Hillary giving her concession speech...well "Berned".

And flailing trying to see what she can do to reinvent herself to "be what the voters want her to be"  Angry at her campaign. David Axelrod gave the best comment I've heard yet...saying:

"Maybe the Clintons need to acknowledge that THEY may be the problem."

You see, Madam Secretary, the thing is, while you are spinning and slamming and getting angry and re-inventing yourself...Bernie is just the same old Bernie...standing for the SAME things he has stood for since the 1960's.  Bernie isn't slick, pre-packaged, beholden to Wall Street or any of that.

 He is REAL. 

And like the Skin Horse told us long ago in a nursery can't BUY doesn't come from a store. (or Wall Street)

And you can't reinvent yourself to be REAL either.

So no matter how many debates are granted or withheld.  No matter how many Super Delegates promised. And 2008 should have shown you how fickle they were in the end. No matter how many times your husband tries to paint Bernie as a sexist (...and admit it...wasn't THAT a WTF moment...given by a serial philanderer...), as long as the rest of us stand together and VOTE, you cannot possibly win the nomination.

Face it, hon.
We are just not "into you".

It isn't that you are a woman. A great many of us would vote for Elizabeth Warren this very day. And Carly Firoina is a woman, too...and you don't see us voting for her either. In fact a Sanders/Warren Ticket for 2016 would be my Dream Team!
Just sayin'

For the record I am completely ashamed of both Gloria Steinman and Madeline Albright's recent statements. Neither was helpful or supportive of woman in general

It isn't (entirely) that you are bought and sold by Wall Street. Although that is a "YUGE" turn-off.

It isn't even entirely that you turned into a spitting demonic hell-cat after splitting Iowa soon as you realized that Bernie was a real threat.

It is your sense of entitlement. The "It is my TURN" attitude.

It is your "It's never ever ever going to happen," take on Universal Healthcare and Paid-Tuition Public College. Amazing how many other Countries have figured out how to pay their people a living wage, have paid leave, paid public college, and Universal Healthcare, and here in the United States Of America it is IMPOSSIBLE?

I (and millions of others) are waking up and asking


Why does 57% of every one of our tax dollars go to the Pentagon and we give huge Corporate Subsidies for things like CEO's salaries and bonuses...yet there isn't money to educate our people, feed them, or make sure they can go to a doctor when they need?

It is your overall unelectability. Very few Moderates and Independents are going to vote for you. Right now nearly half of your OWN party won't vote for you. The GOP sure as hell isn't going to vote for you.  You need to drop the ME ME ME, I, I, I, routine (which is also quite off-putting) and do what is best for this country. Back the electable candidate.


Just my 2.5 cents.

So, anyway,  I have been getting a small jump on Spring Cleaning this week. Which brings us to:

The Tao Of Spring Cleaning.

It was The Zen Moment of Spring Cleaning.

Chris and Tina had graciously let me borrow their carpet cleaner. There were several small spots on the floor...mostly from spills or splashes. They really didn't look that bad but every time I would look at the beige carpet it would drive me nuts. So....armed with proper suction, cleaning fluid and a brief operational tutorial from Chris, I was off and scrubbing stains.

So far so good.

When I finished I stood back and marvelled at what an amazing job the little unit did. 

Nary a spot to be seen from the previous 15 or so.

Wait for it....

I removed the solution chamber and rinsed it. Don't want to send things back dirty.

Then I attempted to remove the collection chamber. You know where all the filthy water and basically the previous spots now were.
It wouldn't budge.

I exerted a bit more force.


At last I gave it a good yank...the side clips came free and with it the canister of spots (filthy water) dumped on my previously spotless carpet.

After sitting in horror for a moment, after seeing what I had done, I realized just how humorous the whole situation really was. I had somehow managed to round up all the tiny spots and then turn them into one huge spot about the size of the bottom of a bucket. 

So, yeah.

I filled the solution once again...and went over the ginormous was finally gone, and I took care not to get impatient and yank the reservoir this time.

Lesson learned~

After 41 days...the final four of the "Bundy Bunch" (The Oregon Stand-off) seemed to have learned a lesson, too. They have surrendered and are in custody. And the Bird Sanctuary is once again FREE! The Prairie hens could not be reached for comment.

Want a good laugh? Read some of the statements they issued just before their surrender.

 One of the best:

"If they cut off communications again and you don't hear from us...they will have killed us all."


Because I am thinking that someone has been watching a little too much Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. If they had wanted to storm the place and "kill everyone" they obviously would have done it well before day 41.  Or long before it became a major media event.
Don't you think?

Anyway, it is finally resolved...and I hope they all have a nice long time to cool their heels in a Federal prison and contemplate their stupidity.

Domestic Terrorists. 
Every one of them, in my opinion.

More anon ~