Sunday, June 17, 2018

Father's Day...Emma's Grandma Rose Day...and More

Woke to heat and humidity this morning...tropical heat and humidity. It is 92 (and nearly as humid). New Orleans heat and humidity.  Suppose to reach almost 100 by noon.

If you're a Dad...I'd exchange the grill for a pool and a iced drink today.

After a quick bask this morning, I am planning my day around the air-con.

The rain, heat and humidity this week made the herbs and patio plants very happy!

And my Tea basket has just started as well (not pictured)

I've Chamomile, Mint, Valerian Root, and Catnip currently. Will be adding a few more starts as soon as they are big enough to transplant.

We shall have good tea!

Emma and I had our Grandma Rose Day together this week

With shopping and plants

Dairy Queen Brunch and Sundaes.

(...a girl after my own heart who enjoys her sundae right along with her started this silly "after you have eaten your food" business anyway???)

And lots and lots of "Arting"

I finished my sign for North Patio Beach!

By late afternoon we both settled in to our books.
Emma's proclamation

"Books Before Boys"

and a shot of her with her Kindle in her Natural Habitat.

It was a wonderful day!

Although I have a Kindle that I can carry with me...I prefer the real old fashion bound books for at home.

Luddite that I am. 

Yesterday finished out the Tournament and softball is done for the season. Her team did very well this year winning the last 7 games straight.

Spent most of Wednesday "Mall-Ratting" the Tippecanoe Mall in Lafayette (near Purdue). 

Which may be my New Favorite Mall..actually.

Diane and I started the day with Cinnabons and Coffee...and it just got better from there!

This Center has EVERYTHING!

My favorites included a New Age shoppe. Spencer's Gifts, The Earthbound Shop, as well as the staples (Bath and Body and Yankee Candles) and a great new loose tea and coffee shop better than Teavana!

There is Kohls, Pennys, Sears and Macys and so much more.

We ended our shop-til-you-dropathon with Applebees.

I am so predictable. There was a Sirloin in Garlic Parmesan Shrimp Sauce with my name right on it.

"No...I don't think it gets a lot better than THIS."

John and I enjoyed Saturday's early morning Farmer's Market together. Everyone seems to have Kohlrabi this year.
Must try it soon!

We also found this.

Not an edible or a candle, but a Soap. An incredible soap that smelled just like fresh baked cake with buttercream icing. We also found a candle with the same scent.

Last night's bath was just indulgent...but next time there will have to be REAL CAKE for afters.

We plundered Almost Home for Brunch, and pre-empted Car Plans for an Air-Con Afternoon instead.

It was an amazing, perfect day!

We are already plotting and planning our next upcoming Adventure!

John finally captured Shel-Cat doing the Mom-is-my-Teddy Bear while Sleeping Hug...

Spoiled Diva.

I AM the cat's "woobie".

( night...this is how she always sleeps with me...)

This week's book:

Working my way through Bryson's account of his journey through the Aussie Outback.

I found this book to go along with my Virtual Australian Adventure and am really enjoying it.

Bryson has not always been one of my favorite authors, but he certainly hit the mark with this. You'll smell the red earth, taste the roasted 'roo, and feel the blasting heat.

Highly recommended! 
Especially if you are following along with the Virtual Adventure.

This week's movie:

A nicely done sequel to the original Pixar film.

When the family falls into shame over a misunderstanding (...they were ONLY saving the day...) Mom picks up the slack...and Dad stays at home with the rest of the Super-Family.

Mr. Incredible-Mom?

Samuel Jackson is wildly entertaining as Frozone, of course.

But the one that really makes this film is the baby (Jack-Jack) who has more Super-Powers than the lot of them combined.

He can make multiple copies of himself.

He turns into this Purple Demon when he gets angry.
(...okay...every kid can do that...but still...)

He can burst into flames...and set things on fire.

He can shoot green laser beams from his eyes.

He can get larger and stronger at will.

He can travel through different dimensions.

He can change into anything or anyone.

He has Super strength and invulnerability. 

He can float (like zero-G stuff)

He has telekinetic powers.

When he sneezes he is propelled in the air like a rocket.

He can spontaneously make electricity.

He can walk through walls (and glass)

He can turn himself into a gelatinous mass during a fight.

He can mimic anybody. may be the Incredibles film...but Jack-Jack steals this show!

So much fun. Wonderful family film.

(...and with the exhibit of Jack-Jack's new-found can there NOT be an Incredibles 3 in the works...)

and, of it is time for


Which I am calling


 this week.

When last we left our dysfunctional government we had

Trump insulting our Allies and embracing brutal dictators.

And Kids in Cages.

A short time after which President Trump had a change of heart...saw how reprehensible all of this was...apologized to our Allies and removed the tariffs,  denounced the North Korean Dictator, Used part of his money to get Dennis Rodman the help he so badly needs, let all of the Kids out of their cages and reunited them with their parents, told Putin to go fuck himself and confessed to Mueller...resigned the Presidency and is now serving his lifetime prison sentence for Treason in lieu of being hanged.

Okay...just kidding.

Although it did FEEL good to at least imagine that.


He has continued to diss our Allies...and the tariffs stand.
And they are fighting back with tariffs of their own.

So. Much. Fucking. Winning.

He and Kim are BFF, and he actually made the comment that he wished

"His people would stand up at attention and salute him...the way Kim's do."

(...Dear Donald...that would be because he killed hundreds of them including some of his own relatives when he took power...what you are seeing isn't is fear of a blood-thirsty dictator...but whatever.)

This is the face of the caged children now.

And doctors...psychologists...the al...are trying to convey how DAMAGING this separation (forcibly) of children into what amounts to detention centers and concentration camps is now (and is going to be in the future) to an entire generation of children.

With it falling on the deaf ears of Miller, Sessions and Trump.

But it hasn't been all been doom and gloom this week.

Remember Trump screaming about THE WITCH HUNT

(...even with all the indictments...guilty pleas...jailings...and so forth...)

Apparently, THIS GUY (Paul...don't drop the soap...Manafort)
or as I like to call him

Prisoner # 45343

Is a  

Who knew, right?

Paul was out on bail, sporting not one but two ankle bracelets, screwed the pooch and tampered with federal witnesses...okay....allegedly....

Earning him a one way trip back to jail.

Do not pass go.

Send your tie, belt and wallet home with your wife.

Trading his expensive blue suit for a luxurious issued jumpsuit...and a room-mate named Bubba, hopefully. 

And The World has taken notice of our Kids in Cages...and are hell-bent on getting it stopped!

And a few of the MSM are now calling ALL of them (including Trump) out when they lie. 

Something we should have been doing all along...but something everyone needs to do now.

Every. Single. Fucking. Time. 

Press Secretary Sarah (Lying) Sanders announced her Resignation at the end of the year!

And Only 142 Days until the Midterm Elections.

Let me be the first to tell the GOP...

 More Anon...