Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Virtual Australia: Tasmania- The Rolex Sydney to Hobart Annual Yacht Race

It is as though the sail-like shells of the Opera House have suddenly been set adrift...taken flight.

The Annual Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race.

The race begins on Boxing Day (December 26th) in Sydney Harbor and ends 630 nautical miles later in Hobart Harbor off the coast of Tasmania.

This year's race will be the 74th running.

The winner receives The Tattersail's Cup.

 Last year's winner set a new speed record at 1 day, 9 hours, 15 minutes and 24 seconds.

The Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race
Highlights from 2017


Although the race is held in what is essentially Australia's summer (December) early storms (Southern Busters) can make for a chilly and bumpy ride.

Two sailors from the original race are still alive, and in 1946 the first woman participated in the race.

9 yachts have sank during the 73 years the race has been run and 12 sailors have lost their lives during that same period, while attempting to win the Cup.

The winning yacht captain also receive a Rolex (sponsor) watch.

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