Monday, June 11, 2018

South Australia (Virtually)

As we head back to the mainland we rejoin our (virtual) Australian Tour with the Australian State of South.

The inhabitants (just this April) involved in a hopeful renaming.

As one thoughtfully remarked

"It (the name) just sounds so dead boring!"

We'll see what they come up with.

South is anything but boring...but it is very hard to define as these are all shots from South OZ.

(coastal- Kangaroo Island)


 (Suburban...and The Bush)

Quickly melding into The Outback

As you can see South is a state of many faces.

We're going to try and explore them all.

In addition we will be learning some of the more frequently heard Aussie Slang.


Enjoying a bit of Bill Bryson's novel: In a Sunburned Country

Learn about all the critters, reptiles and creepy crawlies that can't WAIT to kill you Down Under.

We will tour Adelaide (Capital city of South)

 and the coastline including Kangaroo Island

Make our way through The Bush

until we reach


Flinders Range and the beginning of The Outback.

Forget about the 1200+ things that want to kill you out here. The #1 killer here is heat...dehydration and being unprepared.

The Outback makes up about 80% of this Australian state. It is red rusty clay, sand, desert, unbearable heat (can easily get to 140 degrees) low scrub and vegetation.

Every year over confident tourists wander in to its inhospitable environment. Some never make it back out alive. 

Also in The Outback-

The Dingo Barrier Fence...known simply as 
The Dog Fence...or just The Fence. 

It stretches across the entire country!

We will try some of the Outback Cuisine as well!

                                          Emu Steak with Cherry Sauce

And whatever else we stumble across along the way!

More soon!