Wednesday, May 15, 2019

First Basking Day on NPB...Beginning this Season's Gardening...And Other Observations of Spring

Saw today going a completely different direction. Laundry the needed done. Dishes. Dusting. Floors and such. Gathering the trash. Slowly resuming the daily round.

 A Cinderella Day.

Then the sun came out, and with it the 75 degree temperatures and a light breeze.

Which is the midst of "everything that needs done" and despite the fact I have taken a week and a half off pretty much everything that wasn't eating, sleeping, reading, relaxing, writing or painting...I indulged in slipping into my swimsuit and

Opening North Patio Beach 2019

                                     Greetings from North Patio Beach

The morning rain-filled clouds gone and replaced by clear blue skies. The thwit of the return of my hummingbirds reminding me to fill the feeder today and hang it back up for another year.  Dandelions in various stages of bloom...promising the thousands of wishes to come.

Feeling the sun baking into winter sore joints and beginning the first spring blush that will eventually be a tan.

And finishing the Summer's Gardening plans.

It has been nearly 9 years (with the exception of Nicole's Kitchen Garden we planted together a few years back) since I have had the luxury of SPACE for gardening. I have gone from a Kitchen Garden at the Rose Cottage basically the size of the side of the house- to borders, vertical space and patio container gardens. 

                           My Last Garden at The Rose Cottage- 2011

Still, I manage to have fresh herbs all summer to cook with...and always container green beans, have beautiful flowers and teas...and even grow Catnip for my furry flatmates.

This year I have onions, lettuce and beans sown, and doing Cox's for horseradish starts, sweet potato slips, Pontiac Red potato seedlings and winter savory. Picking up several tomato plants (mostly for access to green tomatoes to fry), oregano, basil, and garlic for the herb basket at our local garden shop. And assorted hostas online.

Maybe a couple more roses.

The Purple Flag Irises seem to have conveniently coordinated their opening with my opening of NPB...and when the wind blows just right you can smell their grape-like sweetness.

The climbing rose that John and I planted over Shelby's grave is thriving and ready to climb the wooden arbor...which I must paint, again, before it begins.

Taking a breather, then heading back out to weed the borders a bit...hang the hummingbird diner...then enjoy my book and some sweet tea before a hot bubble bath.

Nearly six decades have taught me an important lesson

The dishes, the laundry, the dust and the trash will all be there tomorrow...

Unless, of course, you aren't.

And doesn't really matter much, does it?

My advice.

Don't Seize the Day...Seize YOUR Life.