Saturday, May 25, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend this week has been an awful lot like this...and I'm fairly sure the water buffalo is going to violate my pet agreement.

Rain...rain and more rain!

Between which, I did manage to get part of my patio garden in.

Still thinking rice paddies might have been the way to go.

It is nice to get it started.

This year I've learned that apparently catnip is eternal.

Left a potful to go to seed last year...and came out to this!
Sofi will be thrilled.

"Did somebody say CATNIP?" -Sofi

The Compost Box has worked its magic and I have 30 gallons of dark black rich soil to work with.

My badly weathered bushel basket will be joining the Compost this Fall so using it for Pontiac Red new potatoes this gardening season. Maybe some Sweet Potatoes.

Both clumps of Purple Flag Irises are now in full bloom.

And I have the beginnings of beans, green onions, leaf lettuce, flat Italian parsley, sweet basil, Greek oregano, and Roma Tomatoes potted.


Lost my Amethyst Falls Wisteria over the winter. Obviously, not as hearty as the Chinese Wisteria. Saved the bundle of dead twigs and the pot and am using them as a support for my two Romas.

The Climbing Rose, John and I, planted over Shelby's grave is doing well- and will work its way up the arbor and bloom pinkly this Summer.

The lawn crew has been out twice already and the back common-ground is manicured and beautiful.

(...did I ever say how wonderful it was to know I never ever ever ever have to worry about yard maintenance ever again???)

Love my Den.

Picking Mark's (One of Bill's College Roommates) brain as this is the first year he is experimenting with hydroponics in (he and Sheri's) Florida vegetable garden.  The whole operation looks promising and I could certainly appreciate the additional vertical space to plant.

Baked the first Spring Quiche of the Year with mushrooms and asparagus.

Rejoined humanity this week as well...after a couple weeks of self-imposed hermit-ing. 

I'd love to say I got some mystical, fantastic insight from 14 days of reflection...but really I just pretty much ate, slept, read and caught up from the previous 6 weeks of non-stop chaos.

Brunched with both Diane and Brenda individually...did some sorely needed shopping (...out of everything...), paid bills & got caught up with what was happening in the world.

Saw both Chris and James (and Kaylee), as well.

Kaylee is now living with James!

A lot has happened on the outside, too.

Tina's hens have started laying!

Diane and Sal are grandparent's again...and Brooke has a baby sister, Jade.

Emma Gene has graduated from pre-school!

(pictured with her favorite Aunt Tina, and Uncle Chris)

James has taught Brenden how to split wood...and he loves it...doing it like a boss.
Parenting, you're doing it right!

And the puppies eyes are open now. And they are growling.

and the male is ginormous at only 3 weeks old.

There have been sad moments, too.

Loretta's brother (Art)...who appeared to be rallying and getting stronger died of pneumonia.
Her grandson was thankfully able to get her to the Memorial Service.

Ivan (Angie's Husband) lost his brother this morning after a bad motorcycle accident last night.

And Texas has been pummeled with bad storms this week.

Check out the SIZE of this hail-

Not quite baseball, but very close.

Thinking if one of these caught you in the head it could knock you out.

This Week's Book 

This is one of those "Got to Buy and Add This to the Personal Library" books.

In fact, after finishing it, I realized that something I want to add to my Life List is to create a small library (shelf) of books that have had profound influence on my life. And pretty sure this is one of them.

As someone who has always struggled with procrastination throughout life...this book will give you the kick in the seat you (I) need.

This Week's Movie 

This live action remake of the 1992 classic is simply amazing!

Will Smith pulls off the big blue guy flawlessly.

Songs and dialogue remain fairly faithful to the original.

The storyline diverges near the end and Jasmine becomes the New Shah...a very empowering moment for girls.  But otherwise it is the same Aladdin...just with real people, monkey and jaw-dropping CGI.

Now I want to do a rewatch of Robin William's version from 1992.


Because by now we are all saying


Where subpoenas have now been issued for several main GOP characters...and those receiving them have declined to show up.

How does THAT work?

And why is that matter if you are Republican or Democrat?

I'm thinking some arrests are in order.

And Trump says he is "the most transparent president ever".

Can we see your tax returns?


 Can we see the Complete Mueller Report?


Can we talk to Bob Mueller.


Can we see inside the migrate holding camps at the border.

 Hell no.

Righty, then...

Since Trump was refused his parade...he is now hijacking the 4th of July Celebration...and acting like it is something NEW and DIFFERENT.

"It will be HUGE...Fireworks and everything!!!"


(...who would have thought...fireworks on the 4th of July...)


To be honest, I am not so angry at him, anymore.

He is really rather sad and pathetic.

Obviously a deeply scarred/pathological/disturbed individual.

I am furious with Congress for abdicating their responsibility to do their damned jobs and get on with Impeachment and Removal...nearly 2 1/2 years too late.


Just watching the show.

Upside Devin Nune's Cow friended me on Twitter.
My twitter-verse life is!

Looking forward to HBO's crew and cast wrap at 9 PM Sunday of Game of Thrones.

So is one of my favorite political humor writers...Will Durst!

Have a Great Memorial Day Weekend!

More Anon...