Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Life List #24: Take An Extended Zen Retreat

Admittedly, this Life List item was only recently added.

And it isn't being taken in Japan, Spain, California or even here amidst the corn and soybean fields of Indiana.

After many weeks of almost non-stop people, obligations, events and stress...even though most of it was basically joyful and definitely self-inflicted...I hit the wall badly late Saturday.

Slept from 3 PM Saturday afternoon until nearly  10 AM Sunday morning. From Saturday until late Monday night I drank water to keep myself hydrated and ate saltines crackers to keep myself upright and functional. And that is it.

Food (even the idea of food) was disgusting.

No exercise/PT.

Not even coffee or soda or chocolate.

Kind of Numb.

System overload.

Yesterday, I literally cleared my schedule for the next 3 weeks.

Jill from the library Outreach delivered an armload of books for me.

I have blank canvas and paints.

Filled the pantry and refrigerator with fresh and healthy foods.

Planning to Meditate...Eat Well...Sleep Well...Quiet...Dig in the Soil and Plant Things...Create...The Internet...Read..Bask in the Sun...Bubble Baths...and not much else.




 Sometimes it is necessary.
