Friday, May 3, 2019

Just (ALMOST) Married...An Early Mother's Day...Game of Thrones (The Battle)...Politics and Barr & More

A night out at The Rusted Silo BBQ with the boys.

My Early Mother's Day.

It doesn't GET much better than this!

 So had been years since it was just us. Love love love the girls and the grands...but solo (all of us) is rare now.

Thanks, all of you!

Lennon drove straight through at the very beginning of the week (17 hours) and showed up at my door at 6:20 AM on the 1st.

I was impressed.

They are headed out this afternoon for Chris' bachelor party with some of Chris' friends...then we are all off to The Castle.

All of the moving parts...tuxes...rings...dresses...marriage license...officiator...cake...announcements...and about a million other things...together.

By this time tomorrow my youngest will be married!

Not losing a son...but gaining another lovely DIL.

Still kind of WOW after last Sunday's G.O.T Episode 3.

Great battle!

We've now lost

The Night King and all his Undead Followers. 
with a flying leap and sleigh of hand by Ayra Stark.

Who went out bravely charging The Night King.


Who died in the melee...then came back as a White Walker...then died again when the Night King was dispatched.

Lady Mormont
The tiniest taking on the biggest...and dying but taking him with her.

Who died doing what he would have wanted. Protecting Dany.

The Red Witch
Who wandered out after the battle...her purpose fulfilled and taking off the choker of turn back into the crone...then to dust.

 A lot of the Unsullied
Only about half survived...including

All of the Dothrake
 Perhaps the best visual in the battle with all the blazing swords rushing into the darkness and one by one the lights going out.

and still have many main characters left!

Kudos to Ayra for saving the day and dispatching the Night King.

And the Best Death has to go to Lady Mormont who might have died fighting. a giant, but she brought him down with her...

Now we wait.

Sunday is Coming.

The best political sign I have seen was posted to James' FB Wall this week

and after the Barr Hearing I have to admit I nodded my head silently.

This may be the BEST answer.

AG Bill Barr...and guy most likely to play Droopy Dawg if they ever do a live action of the cartoon...

came before the Congressional Hearing and was summarily handed his ass. So much that

The next day he REFUSED to show up for the subpoena. 

( can Do that???????)

Anyway...they are looking at options...including his removal...jail...and have already called for his resignation.

So, there's that.

More as it happens...

See everyone after the Wedding!