Saturday, April 27, 2019

Three Birthdays and a Bridal Shower...59 is FINE...Sofi...and Other Observations

My BIRTHDAY must be over.

The Cake is gone.

Consolidated my 59th with Aiden's Upcoming 5th and Brenden's 9th and it was a mass of birthday candles, a flurry of icing (also pizza and pop), and

"Happy Birthday to US!"

Sung off-key and with flourish.


Candies and Candles, Kitchen Stuff and Birthday Morels, Bath Stuff, Ribbons and Lilacs.

But the very best was just FAMILY!

Even if Emma did learn not to stand too close to Dad with a piece of heavily frosted Birthday cake.

"It's up my NOSE!!!!"

And so happy that Kaylee was able to come!!!!

59 is shaping up to be a great last year of the fifties...and I am so blessed.

Was shocked when I was looking back at one of the earliest photos I took of Sofi

Around 6 weeks old.

And not quite a YEAR.

She is coming along with her harness too...


"'re kidding, right?"

to Proud Guard Cat.

 All she needs is a tiny black beret.

Today, I joined Tina and Family for her Bridal Shower.

Hard to believe in less than a week they will be married!!!!

The kids table.

Complete with Linguini and Spaghetti and a choice of Alfredo, Pesto or Marinara (Pasta Bar), Crusty Italian Loaf and Tossed Green Salad.

Games and Prizes.

They are honeymooning at Disney...and since they basically have everything at gifts were contributions to the honeymoon.

Next week they will be Mr. & Mrs.

 Not losing a son- but gaining another wonderful Daughter!

So happy, as Our Middle (Lennon) will be here on the 1st for the week.

The best part is that on the 2nd we are having a brunch...and for the first time in a long time I will be out solo with my three boys!

As any Mom can tell you...after they grow up and have lives, jobs, wives and children of their own...these solo moments are few and far between. 

I am soooooooooooooo looking forward to it!

Last week's Game of Thrones was beyond cruel.  They have brought everyone back together.

And they decided to devote the whole episode last Sunday to "the feels".

Bran and Jamie making peace. 

Ser Jamie and Brianne and the whole warm and fuzzy...let's sit around the fireplace, get warm, tell tales, drink wine and sing with Podrick, Tormund, Davos, and Tyrion. 

And I LOVED when Jamie Lannister knighted Brianne of Tarth.

Greyworm and his lady love reunited and speaking of future plans to settle in Narth. 

They even brought back together Beric and The Hound.

 Made peace with Sansa and Theon.

Gave a brief sisterly human moment between Dany and Sansa.

Brought Gentry and Ayra together in a tastefully done lovemaking scene.

Brought the last 3 of the brotherhood back to fight the Night King.

Brought Lady Mormont together with Jorah for a memorable confrontation.

Samwell Tarly gives Jorah his father's sword for the upcoming battle then is below in the crypts sleeping with Gilly and Little Sam.

Podrick's haunting rendition of Jenny of Oldstones as the camera pans.

Sansa and Theon sit at a table in the courtyard together.

Gave Jon just enough time to reveal to Dany that his true linage is Targaryen.

(...she appeared less than pleased...)

Yes...they gave us a moment to really CARE about everyone...

Before they start getting killed off.

And you know they are going to...

Heartless BASTARDS.

This Week's Book

A re-read for me.

Naturalist Essays by Annie Dillard.

Beautiful. Quiet. Comforting.

An excellent CENTER in the midst of a hectic week.

And Trump...what is left to say...really?

He threatens to sue if his taxes are revealed.

He threatens to sue if his college transcripts are released.

He threatens to sue over the Mueller Report.

It is almost like he has something to hide, or!

More anon...