Saturday, April 6, 2019

Six Weeks...and the Update

Woke this morning to a Fed Ex box...cold packs...and the very first of the pre-ordered out-of-state (Oregon) 2019 Morels!

It is going to be a GREAT day!

Sofi is visibly alternating between missing Shelby & basking in all the extra attention.

She has come into her first heat and LOVES everything, right now.

"You...and you...and you...oh I love everybody..." -Sofi

Purring, trilling and cabbiting (boing boing boing) everywhere.

Back up to a healthy weight and the open areas healed...and acting like Sofi again.

Everything set for the wedding...only 4 weeks away!

With dangle pearl earrings and my favorite strand the whole affect is Southern Spring.

Was looking over my calendar this morning and realized in the next six weeks I actually have:

Don and Chris and I- Spring Brunch

A Trip to Lafayette Mall with Brenda and Diane.

John and I and our April Adventure/Trip

"You're leaving me again??? Do you want to talk about it?"  -Gizmo

Brendan's 9th Birthday


My 59th birthday

Tina's Bridal Shower

Lisa and Tina and I- Sister's Day

Lennon's Arrival for a Week

Chris and Tina's Wedding

Aiden's 5th Birthday

John and I Celebrating 1 Year of  Being back together (May 9th)


Mother's Day

It is going  to be a busy 6 weeks!

Penciling in some Zen Buffer Days throughout to keep me more or less sane.

What do you mean That Ship Has!

Exciting news from James who popped by this week

They are expecting Pocket Bully puppies soon,


They think they have the financing for their FIRST home!!!!!!

So happy and excited for them.

Tina and Chris...nervous...excited...happy about their upcoming wedding.

Chris is loving the whole college guy experience, and hands on with others who are as into computers/computer savvy as he is.

and Tina loving her position as an EMT...and looking at Paramedic Classes.

Also having a good time painting her Warhammer game pieces.


Lennon excited about being here soon!!!

Can't wait to see him again...

Amber and I took a trek out to see Loretta this week...and took her out for a bit of shopping and Cracker Barrel.

She was carrying that Vera Bradley (bag) that Angie and I found/bought for happy!

We all had a wonderful day together.

This Week's Book:

A collection of well written, thought provoking essays that are hauntingly beautiful at times.

Well worth a read.

The Movie:

A Disappointment.

Not the Dumbo of our childhood.

This is definitely Tim Burton's version of Dumbo.

What was Disney thinking?

Was Quentin Tarantino not available?


I spend a great part of this film just trying to understand what demographic they were going for...okay?

Way too dark for anyone under about 8...not interesting enough for anyone over the age of 16.

That leaves a pretty narrow audience.

Its only saving grace was the quality of the CGI...and the appearance of several older and well known actors (Keaton, DeVito, Arkin) and a Hollywood feel-good ending.

Even those did not save this film for me.

I'd pass.

And if you have very young children...just forget about it.

Let them enjoy the original.

and politics this week...

Don't get me started.

Where Trump is attempting to keep both his taxes and the Mueller Report under wraps at all costs.

Does anybody else think this is a bit suspicious?

We will see.

The Blue Wave is building for 2020...and we are going to finish what we started.

And then get shit done.

And we are cringing when Trump goes to our border and makes the statement

"America is full. Go back where you came from."

Embarrassing, Un-American, and just so wrong.

More Anon...have a great weekend!