Monday, April 15, 2019

Republicans and Democrats and Politics...Oh My... here we go...

Why...hide a report that you say exonerates you????

Why...hide tax returns if you've done nothing wrong???

Why...are racists aligning themselves with you if you're not racist??? 

Why...attack Muslims if you are not Islamophobic???

Why...attack AOC and The New Green Deal...if you don't even BELIEVE in Climate Change???

and for everybody stupid enough to be walking around saying

"both sides"

Let's take a look at what BOTH SIDES are doing, right now.


Trying to suppress both the Mueller Report and Releasing Trump's Tax Returns.

Gave tax breaks to the upper 1% of Americans.

Want to build a wall at our Southern Border with our tax dollars.

Have no problem separating and caging migrant children and in some cases deporting their parents without them.

Trying to repeal the ACA...again...

Denies that Climate change exists.

Want to control womens access to Birth Control.

Also want to deny women safe abortion access.

Trying to cut Medicare and  Medicaid.


Trying to make both the Mueller Report and Trump's Taxes transparent to the American people...and Congress.

Want to tax the 1% more heavily.

Does not want a wall build at the border...would rather the billions and billions be spent on our al.

Have a real problem with caging children and separating families applying for asylum in the United States.

Trying to expand your Healthcare...optimally culminating in Universal Coverage. Want everyone to have healthcare.

Not attacking Muslim, Blacks, Latinos, Jewish people,  GLBT, or much of anyone else.

Not only believe that climate  change exists...but want to rejoin the Paris Accord and currently exploring alternative energy sources.

Want women to have easy access to birth control and medical decisions to be between a woman and her doctor.

Want women to have access to safe abortions...and NOBODY is pro-abortion...they are pro-choice. A woman and her doctor making that choice. Not the government.

Want to expand Medicare and Medicaid safety net instead of shrinking it.

Those are just a FEW of the differences between our political parties currently.

Perhaps the most egregious thing the GOP has done in the last 2 years is to give the ersatz sitting "President" a pass on everything...even when most of them see he in not fit for office. 

The same people that set up a hew and cry when Obama used fancy mustard and wore a tan suit...or when Michelle bared her make excuses for a man who openly discredits our FBI, and commits treason on public television (Helsinki-Putin), Pays off Playboy Bunnies and Porn Stars, and is married to a FLOTUS who has bared a hell of a lot more than her arms.

It may be a can actually look up completely naked pictures of the FLOTUS (real ones..not shopped) on the Internet.

None of this is NORMAL.

We must hold them accountable, and vote Straight Ticket BLUE in 2020.

Let's FINISH what we started in 2018.

We can do this. 

 More Anon...