Saturday, April 13, 2019

Morels...Kaylee...Gus...Wedding Invitations...and More! has been a lot like THIS all week!

My box arrived from Oregon on Saturday...and literally had morels for Breakfast...Lunch and Dinner on Sunday.

By Tuesday they were gone except for the ones I have battered, half-cooked and froze for John's

( know it must be love when you share your morels...)

And I was in a tiny Spring Morel Coma.

So good!!!!


Does it get any better than THAT???

So happy...a surprise yesterday when a knock on my door and

James and My arrived!

( make a long story short and much less complicated...two years ago after the custody issue they were at odds so badly with one another...although she and I would stay in touch...they would not see each other for almost 2 years...)

So happy that fences are mended and she and James are back together.

                                                  KB  and Aiden

Also, She and Aiden, Emma and Brenden...together again.

It is hard to be apart.

She has grown so much...looks so adult now!

"Thrilled...why do you feel the need to drag me into this?" - Sofi

To everyone who asked what a Pocket Bully was...

Meet Gus

Or check him out in all his splendor.

He has grown from cute little puppy with wrinkles from all the loose skin...
to THIS massive muscle-bound guy.

He is the sire, and they will have puppies around the first week of June.

Can't wait!

Chris and Tina's wedding invitation arrived!

An invite fit for a wedding at a Castle!

Can't wait to see Emma (Tina's 5 y/o niece) and Aiden (almost 5) as Flower Girl and Ring Bearer.

Going to be a cuteness overload!

                                           Emma with the Easter Bunny.

Snagged this from honorary great grands on a trek together.

Amelia Rose and Brantley

They are all growing up so fast.

Don and Chris and I had our Spring Brunch this week...where we learned (again) that apparently the Chinese don't EAT on Mondays.

Or at least they aren't open to feed US.

(...senility is a bitch...we have pulled this before...)

So we opted for Mexican.

A wonderful visit.

Loved listening to Chris, so excited about his training, school and all.

Discussed Candidate Pete Buttieig, and are all fairly impressed with him, so far.

I think we are all in agreement that 2020 is Blue No Matter Who....and are looking forward to the wedding!

On Wednesday, Diane and Brenda and I plundered Tippecanoe Mall in Lafayette...beginning our shopping (mall ratting) day with

Caramel and Pecan Center of the Roll...and good coffee!

We clothes-shopped at Torrids

(must have a pair of their over-sized shades...omg...think Garbo)

and EarthBound...which is quickly becoming one of MY favorite shops.

Had Pizza Brunch at Lucas.

Sampled scents at Bath and Body

(...and found both Peach body lotion and bubbles to go with our Fresh Peach candle for the upcoming April Birthday (PEACHY) Getaway...)

Now I HAVE to fix a small peach-cobbler to bring with us, John!


Something else that is bedroom redo.

Seriously. It isn't even funny anymore.

Kind of ridiculous, actually.

I can be such a procrastinator.

From wanting it to be finished by it is 4 months later...and STILL not done.

My new goal...

To have it completed by my birthday...fresh flowers, good chocolates and candles bedside.

( nice would THAT be???)

We will see.

Here's hoping!

This Week's Book

This book by Guy Fieri ( have never seen the TV show...)
is a non-fictional account of his travels through the US in search of great food in unlikely places.

Entertaining. Sometimes laugh out loud funny.

Many great recipes shared.

If you love to travel, cook or will LOVE this book.

This Week's Movie

This could possibly be the best film I have seen this year.

Quadriplegic looking for a Life Auxiliary.  Ex-Con looking for a job. Executive Secretary just looking for a life.

All of them looking for something more. 

Fast paced. Funny. A look at The Human Condition from several angles.

Well worth a look.


Exactly the opposite of what is happening politically right now.

We will devote Monday's Blog to that....

Have a Relaxing Weekend!

More Anon...

Highway 50 through Nevada


Starts tomorrow!!!!