Saturday, June 1, 2019

May's "Coconut" Escape...The Difference a Week Makes...June & More

This to this

In one sunny...warm...wet week!

The patio garden is thriving. Still to come are Hostas for the borders, green hydrangeas and some white petunias.

What a difference a week makes in Spring Gardening.

John and I enjoyed our late May Escape. He found the scent du jour this time (coconut) and brought an amazing coconut scented three wick candle...and two slices of MCL coconut cream pie.  I found coconut body wash and massage oil.

We plundered Cracker Barrel for our brunch...and...well, John nearly killed our waiter.

"Honey, you are suppose to TIP the waiter...not TRIP him."

But it was an accident and the kid performed an incredible acrobatic and saved himself from ending up face first on the floor.

"Dinner and a show."

We perused the Country Store Shoppe and came home with not only Dickerson's Blackberry Jam but this...

A thick walled iridescent glass bubble filled with beach sand and shells. 

A Beach in a Bubble!

Like a Snowglobe...for those of us who prefer it a bit more tropical!

I Love It!

And we celebrated our 1st Year of being back together.

Hard to believe it has been a year already!

We went to Cox's Nursery and marveled at the tiny starts we had seen in March that were now big strong healthy and/or bloomed plants.

I picked up the rest of my seed potatoes...including Sweet Potato Slips...sigh.

No will power.

And some oregano seeds.

Enjoyed the rest of our evening...including a shared slice of Coconut Cream Pie  between the sheets (two spoons) and it was perfect...

Well, it was...until sometime in the middle of the night when FRED (...who occupies my head...) decided to have a meltdown.

Reminding me that THIS is why I can not ever travel solo again for any appreciable amount of time, or over long distances.  Or drive again.

And I can't thank John enough for taking care of me, getting me out of the Inn the next morning and safely home.

What do I remember besides the horrible pain?

So horrible that it made me throw up and everything hurt...even my touch.

Dizziness like my head was a badly shaken snow globe.

The last thing I clearly remember is attempting to get my duffel out of the bathroom at the Inn.

The next thing I remember is waking up hours and hours later on my loveseat at home beneath a quilt.

John says he stayed until at one point I told him to

Go Home

And no...alcohol was NOT involved- whatsoever.

It is a little scary.

But by yesterday, it was like it had never happened...and although it is horribly inconvenient when it does (and scary)...I still have many more good days than bad.
And Life is still VERY GOOD.

And we've just decided to make our June Getaway

"Coconut: Part Deux"
The Rest of the Tropical Adventure.

And it feels so good to be loved not only during the good times...but especially through the worst ones.

Here it is.


The Middle of the Year!


Began the morning with a Pear Smoothie and chat.

Enjoyed a long bask on North Patio Beach

Loved watching Sofi discover the GREAT OUTDOORS...which is still new and mystifying- and a little spooky for her.
The harness and leash are wonderful!

Yesterday, when I was finishing up my potato basket she spied a dime sized jumping spider...

It went like this

Spider:   Holy shit... (jump jump)

Sofi: OMG...what is that??? I must follow it... (bunny hops)

Spider: Dear is AFTER me!  (jump jump jump)

Sofi: This is so MUCH fun!!!  (hop...hop...hop)

They continued this all the way across the porch to the far edge.

Other things she found interesting...flies and gnats...trash talking the birds...running back inside when my large blue jay who lives in the Black Locust behind my place decided he had enough kitty!

He used to be the bane of Tucker-Cat's existence...dive bombing him with some regularity...just to remind him who was BOSS.

But it is June...time to do a Review of This Year's Goals.


Continuing mindfulness, meditation, and a daily gratitude journal.

Still a "Practicing Buddhist" (...some days I get a lot more practice than!)

Health, Diet and Exercise:

Staying well hydrated, eating better (fresh- less processed foods) and back on the Alternating Fast...want to lose a bit more, and I tend to feel better on it as well.

Back to my daily PT and can see a huge difference in my abilities and emotional state when I make it a priority.

Getting very adept and comfortable with the wheelchair now...and getting stronger (more upper body strength)

By the time this is over I will be able to bench-press a Buick...even though I can no longer walk (ambulate) across a room...


Yeah...I'm working on it.

Have had several large cash outlays since January...including a new dryer...the kitten and vet...and bouncing back from The Wedding, of course.

Still Comfortable.

Always Okay...and there is ALWAYS Enough!

( took me years to realize this bit of wisdom...but it is true...)

Still the $50. Project and the Pet Hundred- are on hold until at least July.


John and I couldn't be better. Make time to have an Adventure monthly...see each other when we can...start every day together with Good Morning and coffee and chat...and end every night together with Goodnight.

"I love you, Muchly!"

"And I love you Bigly!"

Love in The Age of Arthritis is pretty amazing!

Enjoyed time with all three of my boys solo in May...which was incredible.

Have seen most of my grands...and will be carving out individual days with them now that school has ended.

Ditto both my daughter-in-laws.

Idgy will be up to visit in July...and we are making plans for our Adventure.

Have made time for old friends...and cultivated a new one in Brenda...who is now just part of Our Group.

See Loretta as often as I am able to make it up there.
She and I still talk every day. Sometimes a couple of times a day.

Still striving to be a better less and listen more...even when I have to bite my tongue, sometimes...and don't we all?
 Observe love, compassion and empathy toward all.

Self Care and Growth:

Heading gracefully into the inevitable sixties.

Trying to reduce stress...get enough sleep. A daily nap is no longer optional but necessary.

Doing/Seeing/Trying quite a few of the things on my Life List this year.
If not now...then when?

Despite some set-backs...and the occasional FRED flare-up...I am quite Content and Happy with my life.

(...because I CHOOSE to be...)

Despite what anyone might say, or try to convince you otherwise...happiness is a choice.

So maybe a few speed-bumps, but the year is progressing nicely.

Our Farmer's Market is now OPEN for the year. Packed with Amish goodies.

The Movie this Week:


A  Mini-Series.

Since I remember when the accident actually happened...this has been more than interesting, and a bit eye-opening. Through Episode 4 now (the series is an installment of 6) and is edge of your seat stuff.

Well worth the time.

The Book:

A look at race relations through the eyes of "just a black woman" who happens to be in love and be loved by "just a white man" during the Civil Right's era...the child they have and the secrecy surrounding him.

Well written. Realistic. Engaging.

Enjoyable fast-paced read!

And Sofi is not the only one who has been enjoying the outdoor world...this week- the puppies also found out it was WONDERFUL!

More Anon...