Sunday, June 30, 2019

New Hair...Tropical Retreat Part Two...Brenda and Loretta...and Sisters Day Tattoos!

John got the photo...and "Tah Dah!!!"  

My new haircut.

22 inches less hair...still longish...and so much easier to manage and fun to work with!

This has been a crazy busy wonderful week!

Celebrated Brenda's 65th Birthday at Almost Home.

(...complete with one of those trick won't-blow-out candles provided by our waiter...)

John and I escaped for the rest of our Tropical Getaway with the rest of the 3-wick coconut candle...coconut oil and bubbles...Macadamia nuts....a hot tub...a hot breakfast the next morning...this maybe the best room we've found to date...certainly the best time!

We spent the early afternoon with Loretta.

And all had Chinese and did some shopping.

Don't even ask about the Tropical Themed

Stopped at our FAVORITE chocolate shoppe!


And enjoyed brunch together the next afternoon at the Oasis Diner (...formerly the old 40 Diner...) who makes the most amazing malteds.

Then fussed with Sofi when we got home.

Who is now in heat...and a little obnoxious...but LOVES everybody!!!


                                         John Roughhousing with Sofi

 "I'm gonna EAT you now!!!"  ~Sofi

Chris and Tina got wedding wishes from Da Mouse...

Which was too cool!

And Ayra and Thanos are fine...

And just too cute for words!

Ended the week with Sisters Day...complete with BLTS and Cape Cod Waffle Chips and Dip...A full pan of brownies with M&M's Dark on top (we decimated the entire pan!!!)...a bottle of wine...and James, Chris and Troy (James' tattoo guy) for To-Your-Door Sister Tattoos!


We decided against the birds at the last moment and went with cat paw prints instead...since we are all three basically crazy cat ladies inside.


Tina also brought me a half-dozen dark brown fresh eggs compliments of her girls...and the rooster who they have named "Roo"

The "girls" are now producing 1 egg each...every day!

In a month...that is a LOT of eggs.

We busily planned our next Sisters Day which is going to also be a Slumber Party!

Since we didn't get to spend our childhood together...we are enjoying all the SISTER things we missed together, now...

It is NEVER too late for a Happy Childhood...even if you are all over 50.

Perfectly gorgeous Sunday here...and I'm out to play in the some much needed weeding after 2 weeks of rain...bask on NPB a some reading...maybe painting...and enjoy an ice cream cone...because life is good!

More Anon...