Saturday, June 8, 2019

This Week... My Favorite Wedding Picture...3 Weeks in the Patio Garden and More

The wedding shots are beginning to trickle in now...and this shot with Kyle and Chris (Shredders Gotta Shred) has to be my new FAVORITE!

Celebrating the Patio Garden after 3 weeks of tropical temps and rains...

Everything lush and green.

And  Mark & Sheri (Tampa) have been sharing the results of their experiment with hydroponics.
Check out this pepper plant!

Very impressive. Grown solely in nutrient solution.

Going to have to give this a try next year.

Chris over early in the week to sort my printer...and chat...well...about everything.

(...I am really going to miss these impromptu conversations when he and Tina move further away....a lot...)

From Warhammer to Politics...Personal Philosophy to New Products

Apple's newest stuff.

All sold individually...and the STAND alone is $6000.

Apparently, you can make hashed browns with the computer box,

So there is that.

and his classes...which resume next week.

A photo of James with the things you find hidden around the job-site.

(...not to worry...left for Mom to reclaim...)

And the puppies

Who are learning to love the outdoors!

Nicole's Birthday!

and Trump's Tour Du England.

Which was GREETED a bit like this...

Ya Gotta Love The Brits!

This Weeks Book:

A fictional piece about a man who finally sells his manuscript only to find his editor is Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. 

And how writing a book about your family (and mother) can lead to unforeseen consequences.

Fast paced, realistic and completely engaging.

A good read.

This Week's Movie:


Possibly the largest body-count of any of the John Wick films.


Good Story Line....and they have even managed a way to make Wick look even more pathetically wretched.

"I the opening footage we will have it pissing down rain...that'll do 'er..."

And no spoilers here...but they have left the ending begging for a sequel.

John Wick 4.


Working a bit on the house and then relaxing for the weekend.

Mind if I get a headstart on the whole relaxation thing?"  ~Sofi

And Gizzy...who undoubtedly has figured out that soon John and I will be off for our June Adventure.

"Oh're going away AGAIN...????"  ~Giz

And Tina, Lisa and I have found our Sister's Tattoo.

Instead of Always it will say Sisters...and will be done on our backs (shoulders).

James' tattoo guy is coming here on our Sisters Day!

More Anon...